Game Stick GD10 X2 Plus
- Tema estilo NetFlix
Um Tema moderno no estilo NetFlix com todas as imagens, vídeos clipes e wheel dos Jogos, para deixar ainda mais bonito deixamos todos os XML dos jogos traduzidos o que deixa ainda mais parecido com a NetFlix porque as sinopses ficam em português também.
Personalizado x Direto da China
- Menus animados
O Stick ficou mais charmoso com as animações das Wheels e os vídeos clips ao navegar entre os consoles, para acompanhar esses efeitos lindos os backgrounds no tema de cada consoles usando o mascote ou jogos mais famoso da época.
Personalizado x Direto da China
- Músicas Rock/Pop
Melhor que ter um Game Retro é ter um Game Retro com músicas da época, porque não escutar um bom Rock / Pop durante a seleção de jogos, na lista de músicas temos anos 70’, bastante 80’ e muitooo anos 90’. Mas afinal Retro Game é bom mas escutar um Pear Jam ou um Red Hot Chili Peppers junto é melhor, mas não se preocupe porque deixamos abaixo a lista das 100 músicas ou quase 8 horas tocando sem repetição. Ah não gostou delas ? Sem problema, é possível desabilitar essa função. Mas caso goste lembre-se que ainda existe um protetor de tela que passa os clipes de todos os jogos que estão dentro do Stick em tela cheia e ainda tocas as músicas após o Stick ficar parado por 1 minuto. Após iniciar um jogo a música para e só volta a tocar quando você sair do jogo.
- Outras melhorias
Personalizado x Direto da China
1. Tema estilo NetFlix
2. Todas as Wheels dos Jogos
3. Todos os vídeos clipes dos jogos
4. Todas as sinopses em português dos Jogos
5. Adicionado músicas Rock / Pop
6. Foi retirado todos os jogos desconhecidos
7. Os jogos agora estão em ordem alfabética
8. Nomes dos Jogos estão corretos
9. Nova tela de Loading ( Carregando )
10. Bios e cores atualizados
11. Jogos com defeitos trocados
12. Erros de som corrigidos no Super Nintendo
13. Vários Jogos 3D
14. Lista de Jogos para conferir antes da compra
1. Tema Chinês
2. Coleção incompleta das Wheels dos Jogos
3. Não possui vídeos clipes dos jogos
4. Não possui sinopses dos jogos
5. Não possui músicas
6. Lista com jogos duplicados e desconhecidos
7. Jogos fora de ordem alfabética
8. Nomes dos jogos errados ou trocados
9. Tela simples de carregamento
10. Bios e cores desatualizados
11. Muitos jogos com defeitos
12. Erros de som no Super Nintendo
13. Poucos jogos 3D, priorizam só os antigos
14. O vendedor não tem a lista de jogos para consulta
- Galeria de imagens
- Lista de jogos
Um cartão de 128 GB lotado de jogos 3D, sim os melhores jogos 3D de PSP, Dreamcast , N64 e PS1. Mas também não esquecemos dos antiguinhos. Atari 2600, Super Nintendo, Mega Drive, Fliperama e outros também estão não lista. Só os melhores jogos da época, apenas os jogos conhecidos no Brasil, sem repetição, sem jogos quebrados, porque jogar o que sai apenas no Brasil é o que tem de melhor. Para quê 40.000 com jogos Chineses, jogos desconhecidos e deixar faltar tanta coisa boa da época, aqui prezamos a qualidade da diversão com o melhor do equilíbrio entre o antigo e o menos antigo, afinal isso e Game Retro 😊
Atari 2600 - 492 Jogos
3-D Genesis | Mine Sweeper |
3d Ghost Attack | Mines of Minos |
3d Havoc | Miss Piggy's Wedding |
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe | Missile Command |
A Misterious Thief | Missile Control |
Abre-te, Sesamo! | Mission Survive |
Acid Drop | Mogul Maniac |
Actionauts | Mondo Pong |
Adventure | Montezuma's Revenge |
Adventures of TRON | Moon Patrol |
Air Raid | Moonsweeper |
Air Raiders | Motocross |
Airlock | Motocross Racer |
Air-Sea Battle | MotoRodeo |
Alfred Challenge | Mountain King |
Alien | Mouse Trap |
Alien Greed 2 | Mr. Do! |
Allia Quest | Mr. Postman |
Amidar | Ms. Pac-man |
Androman On The Moon | My Golf |
Aquaventure | Night Driver |
Armor Ambush | Night Stalker |
Artillery Duel | No Escape! |
Assault | Obélix |
Asteroids | Off the Wall |
Astroblast | Off Your Rocker |
Astrowar | Oink! |
Atari Video Cube | Omega Race |
A-Team | Oscar's Trash Race |
Atlantis | Othello |
Atlantis II | Out of Control |
Atom Smasher | Outlaw : Gunslinger |
Backfire | Pac-kong |
Backgammon | Pac-Man |
Bank Heist | Peek-A-Boo |
Barnstorming | Pengo |
Base Attack | Pepsi Invaders |
Basic Math | Pete Rose Baseball |
Basquete | Phantom II / Pirate |
Battlezone | Pharaoh's Curse |
Beamrider | Phaser Patrol |
Beany Bopper | Phoenix |
Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em | Pick Up |
Bee-ball | Picnic |
Bermuda Triangle | Piece o' Cake |
Berzerk | Pigs in Space : Starring Miss Piggy |
Big Bird's Egg Catch | Pitfall II : Lost Caverns |
Blackjack | Pitfall! : Pitfall Harry's Jungle Adventure |
Blinky Goes Up | Planet Patrol |
Blip Football | Plaque Attack |
BMX Air Master | Pleiades |
Bobby is Going Home | Poker Squares |
Boing! | Polaris |
Bowling | Pole Position |
Boxing | Polo |
Brain Games | Pompeii |
Bridge | Pooyan |
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom | Popeye |
Bugs | Porky's |
Bugs Bunny | Pressure Cooker |
Bump 'N' Jump | Pressure Gauge |
Bumper Bash | Princess Rescue |
Burgertime | Private Eye |
Burning Desire | Q*bert |
Cabbage Patch Kids : Adventures in the Park | Quadrun |
Cakewalk | Quest for Quintana Roo |
California Games | Quick Step! |
Canyon Bomber | Rabbit Transit |
Carnival | Racquetball |
Casino | Radar Lock |
Cat Trax | Raft Rider |
Cathouse Blues | Raiders of the Lost Ark |
Cave In | Rainbow Invaders |
Centipede | Ram It |
Challenge | Rampage! |
Chase the Chuckwagon | Raster Fahndung |
Checkers | Reactor |
China Syndrome | Realsports Basketball |
Chopper Command | RealSports Boxing |
Chuck Norris Superkicks | RealSports Football |
Circus Atari | RealSports Soccer |
Climber 5 | RealSports Tennis |
Coconuts | RealSports Volleyball |
Combat | Red Sea Crossing |
Commando | Rescue Terra I |
Commando Raid | Revenge Of The Apes |
Communist Mutants From Space | Riddle of the Sphinx |
Condor Attack | River Raid |
Congo Bongo | River Raid II |
Conquest Of Mars | Road Runner |
Cookie Monster Munch | Robin Hood |
Cosmic Ark | Robot Tank |
Cosmic Commuter | Rocky & Bullwinkle |
Cosmic Creeps | Room of Doom |
Cosmic Invaders | Rubik's Cube 3D |
Cosmic Swarm | Rush Hour |
Crackpots | Saboteur |
Crash Dive | Save Mary! |
Crazy Balloon | Save the Whales |
Crazy Climber | Sea Hawk |
Crazy Valet | Sea Monster |
Cross Force | Seaquest |
Crossbow | Seawolf |
Cruise Missile | Secret Quest |
Crypts of Chaos | Shootin' Gallery |
Crystal Castles | Shuttle Orbiter |
Cubicolor | Sinistar |
Custer's Revenge | Sir Lancelot |
Dark Cavern | Skate Boardin' |
Dark Chambers | Skiing |
Deadly Duck | Sky Skipper |
Death Trap | Slot Machine : Slots |
Defender | Smurfs Save the Day |
Demolition Herby | Snail Against Squirrel |
Demon Attack | Sneak 'n Peek |
Demons to Diamonds | Snoopy and the Red Baron |
Desert Falcon | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Dice Puzzle | Solar Fox |
Dig Dug | Solar Plexus |
Dishaster | Solar Storm |
Dolphin | Solaris |
Donald Duck's Speedboat | Sorcerer |
Donkey Kong | Sorcerer's Apprentice |
Donkey Kong Jr | Space Attack |
Double Dragon | Space Cavern |
Double Dunk | Space Instigators |
Dragonfire | Space Invaders |
Dragonstomper | Space Jockey |
Dragster | Space Shuttle : A Journey into Space |
Dukes of Hazzard | Space Treat |
Dune | Space Tunnel |
E.T. - Pits Hack | Space War : Space Combat |
Edtris 2600 | Spacechase |
Eggomania | SpaceMaster X-7 |
Eishockey-Fieber | Speedway II |
Elevator Action | Spider Fighter |
Elevators Amiss | Spider Maze |
Elk Attack | Spiderdroid |
Encounter at L5 | Spider-Man |
Enduro | Spike's Peak |
Entombed | Spitfire Attack |
Escape from the Mindmaster | Sprint Master |
Euchre | Spy Hunter |
Exocet | Squeeze Box |
Fall Down | Squoosh |
Fantastic Voyage | Stampede |
Fast Eddie | Star Fox |
Fast Food | Star Raiders |
Fatal Run | Star Strike |
Fathom | Star Voyager |
Final Approach | Star Wars : Jedi Arena |
Fire Fighter | Star Wars : Return of the Jedi, Death Star Battle |
Fireball | Star Wars : The Arcade Game |
Fishing Derby | Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back |
FlapPing | Stargate |
Flash Gordon | Stargunner |
Football | StarMaster |
Fortress Defense | Steeplechase (sears) |
Frankenstein's Monster | Stellar Track |
Freeway | Strategy X |
Frog Pond | Strawberry Shortcake : Musical Match-Ups |
Frogger | Stronghold |
Frogger II - Threedeep! | Stunt Cycle |
Frogs and Flies | Stunt Man |
Front Line | Submarine Commander |
Frostbite | Sub-Scan |
Galaxian | Subterranea |
Gangster Alley | Suicide Mission |
Garfield | Summer Games |
Gas Hog | Super Baseball |
Gauntlet | Super Breakout |
Ghost Manor | Super Challenge Football |
Ghostbusters | Super Cobra |
Ghostbusters II | Super Football |
Gigolo | Superman |
Glacier Patrol | Surf's Up |
Go Fish | Surround : Chase |
Go Go Home | Survival Run |
Golf | Swordfight |
Gopher | SwordQuest : FireWorld |
Gorf | Tac-Scan |
Gosub | Tanks But no Tanks |
Grand Prix | Tapeworm |
Gravitar | Tapper |
Great Escape | Task Force |
Gremlins | Tax Avoiders |
Gunfight | Taz |
Gyruss | Telepathy |
H.E.R.O. | Tennis |
Halloween | Tetris 26 |
Halo 2600 | The Activision Decathlon |
Harbor Escape | The Alligator People |
Harem | The Entity |
Haunted House | The Official Frogger |
Hunchy II | The Texas Chainsaw Massacre |
Ikari Warriors | This Planet Sucks! |
Inca Gold | Threshold |
Incoming! | Thunderground |
Indy 500 | Time Pilot |
Infiltrate | Title Match Pro Wrestling |
International Soccer | Tomarc the Barbarian |
Jammed | Tomcat : The F-14 Fighter Simulator |
Jawbreaker | Tooth Protectors |
Journey Escape | Towering Inferno |
Joust | Track and Field |
Joustpong | Treasure Below |
Jr. Pac-Man | Trick Shot |
Jungle Hunt | TRON : Deadly Discs |
Juno First | Tunnel Runner |
K.o. Cruiser | Turmoil |
Kabobber | Tutankham |
Kaboom! | Universal Chaos |
Karate | Unknown Activision Game #2 |
Keystone Kapers | Up 'n Down |
King Kong | Vanguard |
Klax | Vault Assault |
Krull | Venetian Blinds |
Kung-Fu Master | Venture |
Lady Bug | Video Chess |
Lady in Wading | Video Jogger |
Laser Blast | Video Life |
Laser Gates | Video Olympics : Pong Sports |
Lasercade | Video Pinball : Arcade Pinball |
Lochjaw | Video Reflex |
London Blitz | Video Simon |
Looping | Wabbit |
Lost Luggage | Wall Ball |
M*a*s*h | Wall-Defender |
Malagai | Warlords |
Marauder | Warplock |
Marine Wars | Winter Games |
Mario Bros. | Wizard of Wor |
Master Builder | Word Zapper |
Math Gran Prix | Words-attack |
Maze Craze : A Game of Cops 'n Robbers, Maze Mania, A Game of Cops 'n | Worm War I |
Mazy Match | Xenophobe |
Mega Force | Xevious |
MegaMania : A Space Nightmare | X-Man |
Meltdown | X'mission |
Mental Kombat | Yars' Return |
Merlin's Walls | Yars' Revenge |
Midnight Magic | Zaxxon |
Millipede | Z-blocks |
Mind Maze | Zoo Fun |
Z-Tack |
Atari Lynx - 76 Jogos
A.P.B. | Malibu Bikini Volleyball |
Awesome Golf | Ms. Pac-man |
Baseball Heroes | NFL Football |
Basketbrawl | Ninja Gaiden |
Batman Returns | Ninja Gaiden III : The Ancient Ship of Doom |
BattleWheel | Pac-Land |
Battlezone 2000 | Paperboy |
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure | Pinball Jam |
Block Out | Pit-fighter |
Blue Lightning | Power Factor |
Bubble Trouble | Qix |
California Games | Raiden |
Checkered Flag | Rampage |
Chip's Challenge | Rampart |
Crystal Mines II | Roadblasters |
Desert Strike | Robo-Squash |
Dinolympics | Robotron : 2084 |
Dirty Larry : Renegade Cop | Rygar |
Double Dragon | S.T.U.N. Runner |
Dracula The Undead | Scrapyard Dog |
Electrocop | Shadow Of The Beast |
European Soccer Challenge | Shanghai |
Fat Bobby | Steel Talons |
Gates Of Zendocon | Super Asteroids & Missile Command |
Gauntlet : The Third Encounter | Super Off Road |
Gordo 106 | Super Skweek |
Hard Drivin' | Switchblade II |
Hockey | The Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge |
Hydra | Todd's Adventures In Slime World |
Ishido: The Way of Stones | Toki |
Jimmy Connors' Tennis | Tournament Cyberball 2072 |
Joust | Turbo Sub |
Klax | Viking Child |
Krazy Ace Miniature Golf | Warbirds |
Kung Food | World Class Fussball/Soccer |
Lemmings | Xenophobe |
Lexis | Xybots |
Lynx Casino | Zarlor Mercenary |
ColecoVision - 152 Jogos
2010 - The Graphic Action Game | Motocross Racer |
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress | Mountain King |
Alphabet Zoo | Mouse Trap |
Amazing Bumpman | Mr. Do! |
Antarctic Adventure | Mr. Do!'s Castle |
Aquattack | Ms. Space Fury |
Artillery Duel | Nova Blast |
B.C. II: Grog's Revenge | Oil's Well |
BC's Quest for Tires | Omega Race |
Beamrider | One-on-One |
Blockade Runner | Pac-Man |
Boulder Dash | Pepper II |
Brain Strainers | Pitfall II - Lost Caverns |
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom | Pitfall! |
Bump 'n' Jump | Pitstop |
Burgertime | Popeye |
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park | Porky's |
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show | Power Lords - Quest for Volcan |
Campaign '84 | Q*bert |
Carnival | Q*bert's Qubes |
Centipede | Quest for Quintana Roo |
Choplifter! | River Raid |
Chuck Norris Superkicks | Robin Hood |
Congo Bongo | Roc 'n Rope |
Cosmic Avenger | Rock 'n Bolt |
Cosmic Crisis | Rocky - Super Action Boxing |
Dacman | Rolloverture |
Dance Fantasy | Sammy Lightfoot |
Decathlon | Sector Alpha |
Defender | Sewer Sam |
Destructor | Sir Lancelot |
Dig Dug | Skiing |
Donkey Kong | Slither |
Donkey Kong Junior | Slurpy |
Dr. Seuss's Fix-up The Mix-up Puzzler | Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle |
DragonFire | Smurf: Paint 'n' Play Workshop |
Escape from the Mind Master | Space Fury |
Evolution | Space Invasion |
Facemaker | Space Panic |
Fall Guy | Spectron |
Fathom | Spy Hunter |
Flipper Slipper | Squish'em Featuring Sam |
Fortune Builder | Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator |
Fraction Fever | Star Wars - The Arcade Game |
Frantic Freddy | Steamroller |
Frenzy | Strike It! |
Frogger | Subroc |
Frogger II - Threeedeep! | Super Action Baseball |
Frontline | Super Action Football |
Galaxian | Super Action Football (soccer) |
Gateway to Apshai | Super Cobra |
Gorf | Super Cross Force |
Gust Buster | Super DK! |
Gyruss | Super DK! Junior |
Illusions | Tank Wars |
James Bond 007 | Tapper |
Joust | Tarzan |
Juke Box | Telly Turtle |
Jumpman Junior | The Dukes of Hazzard |
Jungle Hunt | Threshold |
Ken Uston Blackjack-Poker | Time Pilot |
Kevtris | TOMARC The Barbarian |
Keystone Kapers | Tournament Tennis |
Lady Bug | Turbo |
Learning With Leeper | Tutankham |
Linking Logic | Up'n Down |
Logic Levels | Venture |
Looping | Victory |
M.A.S.H. | Video Hustler |
Memory Manor | War Games |
Meteoric Shower | War Room |
Miner 2049er | Wing War |
Monkey Academy | Wizard Of Id's Wizmath |
Montezuma's Revenge | Word Feud |
Moon Patrol | Zaxxon |
Moonsweeper | Zenji |
Dreamcast - 51 Jogos
Aqua GT | Rayman 2 : The Great Escape |
Blue Stinger | Ready 2 Rumble Boxing |
Charge 'N Blast | Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis |
Confidential Mission | Resident Evil, Code : Veronica |
Death Crimson OX | Re-Volt |
Exhibition Of Speed | Rippin' Riders |
F355 Challenge : Passione Rossa | Samba de Amigo |
Fighting Force 2 | Sega GT |
Gauntlet Legends | Silent Scope |
Guilty Gear Isuka | Sonic Adventure |
Guilty Gear X | Sonic Adventure 2 |
Gundam Side Story 0079 | Soulcalibur |
Heavy Metal : Geomatrix | Speed Devils |
Hydro Thunder | Star Gladiator 2 : Nightmare of Bilstein |
Ikaruga | Star Wars : Episode I, Jedi Power Battles |
Jet Set Radio | Super Magnetic Neo |
Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver | Surf Rocket Racers |
Magforce Racing | Suzuki Alstare : Extreme Racing |
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 | Sword of the Berserk : Guts' Rage |
Mortal Kombat Gold | The House of the Dead 2 |
Outtrigger | Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 |
POD : Speedzone | Virtua Fighter 3tb |
Power Stone | Volgarr The Viking |
Power Stone 2 | V-Rally 2 : Expert Edition |
Project Justice : Rival Schools 2 | Zombie Revenge |
Quake III : Arena |
Fliperama - 440 Jogos
1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally | Lode Runner: The Dig Fight |
1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen | Lot Lot |
1943: The Battle of Midway | Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy |
1944 : The Loop Master | Mappy |
1945k III | Marchen Maze |
64th. Street - A Detective Story | Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting |
'88 Games | Marvel Super Heroes |
Acrobat Mission | Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter |
Act-Fancer: Cybernetick Hyper Weapon | Marvel vs. Capcom : Clash of Super Heroes |
Aero Fighters | Mega Man 2 |
Air Attack | Mega Man: The Power Battle |
Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit | Mega Twins |
Airwolf | Metal Black |
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars | Metal Soldier Isaac II |
Alien Syndrome | Metamoqester |
Aliens | Metamorphic Force |
Alligator Hunt | Metro-cross |
Amidar | Midnight Resistance |
Arkanoid | Mikie |
Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh | Millipede |
Ashura Blaster | Monster Slider |
Asterix | Moon Cresta |
Asura Blade - Sword Of Dynasty | Moon Quasar |
Avengers | Mortal Kombat 1 |
Avenging Spirit | Mortal Kombat 2 |
Back Street Soccer | Mortal Kombat 3 |
Bakutotsu Kijuutei | Mortal Kombat 3 - Ultimate |
Bank Panic | Mr. Do! |
Battlantis | Mr. Do's Castle |
Battle Circuit | Mr. Goemon |
Battle Garegga | Ms. Pac-Man |
Battle K-Road | Muscle Bomber Duo : Ultimate Team Battle |
Battle of Atlantis | My Hero |
Bay Route | Nastar |
Beast Busters | Nemesis |
Big Karnak | Nemo |
Biomechanical Toy | New Atomic Punk - Global Quest |
Bio-ship Paladin | New Rally X |
Black Heart | Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge |
Black Hole | Ninja Emaki |
Black Panther | Ninja Gaiden |
Black Tiger | Ninja Kazan |
Blandia | Ninja-kun: Adventure of Devil Castle |
Blaze On | Omega Fighter |
Block Hole | Osman |
Blood Bros. | Ozma Wars |
Bloxeed | P.O.W.: Prisoners of War |
Bogey Manor | P47 Thunderbolt |
Bomb Bee | Pac-Land |
Boxy Boy | Pac-Man |
Break Thru | Pang |
Bubble Memories: The Story of Bubble Bobble III | Pang! 3 |
Bucky O'Hare | Parodius Da! |
Bump 'n' Jump | Pengo |
Burger Time | Penguin Brothers |
B-wings | Penguin-kun Wars |
Cabal | Phoenix |
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs | Pipe Dream |
Captain Commando | Pirates |
Carrier Air Wing | Plotting |
Caveman Ninja | Pnickies |
Centipede | Pooyan |
Chain Reaction | Power Instinct |
Chameleon | Power Instinct Legends |
Champion Wrestler | Prehistoric Isle in 1930 |
Charlie Ninja | Progear |
Chelnov - Atomic Runner | Psycho Soldier |
China Gate | Pu·Li·Ru·La |
Chuka Taisen | Punk Shot |
Circus Charlie | Puzzle Uo Poko |
City Bomber | Puzznic |
City Connection | Q*bert |
Cobra-command | Quester |
Congo Bongo | Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game |
Continental Circus | Rafflesia |
Contra | Raiga - Strato Fighter |
Cosmo Police Galivan | Raimais |
Crazy Balloon | Rally X |
Crazy Climber 1 | Rastan |
Crazy Climber 2 | Regulus |
Crime City | Renegade |
Crime Fighters | Return of the Invaders |
Crude Buster | Rezon |
Dangerous Seed | Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II |
Darius | Risky Challenge |
Dark Seal | Rock'n Rage |
Dark Tower | Roc'n Rope |
Darwin 4078 | Rod Land |
Dead Connection | Rollergames |
Demon Front | Rolling Thunder |
Dig Dug 1 | Rygar |
Dig Dug 2 | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y |
Dj Boy | Saint Dragon |
DoDonPachi | Salamander |
Don Doko Don | Sand Scorpion |
Donkey Kong | SAR: Search And Rescue |
Donkey Kong Junior | Saturday Night Slam Masters |
Double Dragon 1 | Scramble |
Double Dragon 2 | Section Z |
Double Dragon 3 | Sega Ninja |
Double Dribble | Seicross |
Dr. Toppel's Adventure | Shackled |
Dragon Breed | Shinobi |
Dragon Buster | Shogun Warriors |
Dragon Unit | Side Pocket |
Drakton | Silk Worm |
Dream World | Sky Kid |
Dunk Shot | Sky Soldiers |
Dyna Gear | Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom |
Dynamite Dux | Snow Bros. 2 : With New Elves |
Dynasty Wars | Sol Divide: Sword of Darkness |
E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force | Solomon's Key |
Eagle Shot Golf | Son Son |
Eco Fighters | Space Harrier |
Escape Kids | Space Invaders / Space Invaders M |
ESP Ra.De. | Space Invaders DX |
E-swat - Cyber Police | Splatter House |
Exed Exes | Strategy X |
Explosive Breaker | Street Fighter I |
Extermination | Street Fighter II Champion Edition |
F-1 Dream | Street Fighter II Hyper - The Anniversary Edition |
Fantasy Zone 1 | Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting |
Fantasy Zone 2 | Street Fighter II Super - Turbo |
Fast Lane | Street Fighter II The New Challengers |
Final Fight | Street Fighter II The World Warrior |
Final Star Force | Street Fighter: Alpha 1 |
Finalizer - Super Transformation | Street Fighter: Alpha 2 |
Flicky | Street Fighter: Alpha 3 |
Food Fight | Street Smart |
Forgotten Worlds | Strider |
Frogger | Strikers 1945 |
G.I. Joe | Strikers 1945 II |
Gaia Crusaders | Strikers 1945 III |
Galactic Warriors | Sunset Riders |
Galaga | Super Cobra |
Galaga '88 | Super Contra |
Galaxian | Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix |
Galmedes | Super Glob |
Gardia | Super Pac-Man |
Garyo Retsuden | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo |
Gauntlet 1 | Super Ranger |
Gauntlet 2 | Super Spacefortress Macross |
Gemini Wing | Super Spacefortress Macross II |
Genpei Toumaden | Super Volleyball |
Ghosts'n Goblins | Super Zaxxon |
Ghouls'n Ghosts | Superman |
Ghox | Surprise Attack |
Giga Wing | SWAT Police |
Gigandes | Tank Force |
Ginga Ninkyouden | Task Force Harrier |
Go Go! Mile Smile | Tecmo Knight |
Golden Axe | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Gradius III | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time |
Green Beret | Tengai |
Grobda | Tetris |
Growl | Tetris Plus 2 |
Guardian 1 | The Battle-Road |
Guardians 2 | The Berlin Wall |
Guerrilla War | The Combatribes |
Gulf Storm | The Deep |
Gun.Smoke | The FairyLand Story |
Gunbird 2 | The Final Round |
Gundhara | The King of Dragons |
GunNail | The Legend of Kage |
Guwange | The Legend of Silkroad |
Gyrodine | The Lost Castle In Darkmist |
Gyruss | The NewZealand Story |
Hal21 | The Ninja Kids |
Hammerin' Harry | The Punisher |
Hard Head 1 | The Return of Ishtar |
Hard Head 2 | The Tower of Druaga |
Hatris | Three Wonders |
Haunted Castle | Thunder Blade |
Heavy Metal | Thunder Cross |
Heavy Unit | Thunder Cross II |
Hexion | Thunder Dragon |
Hippodrome | Thunder Fox |
Hit The Ice | Thunder Hoop |
Hook | Thundercade |
Hoops | Tiger Heli |
Hopping Mappy | Tiger Road |
Horizon | Time Pilot |
Hotdog Storm | Time Soldiers |
Hyper Olympic | Toki |
Hyper Sports | Toki no Senshi: Chrono-Soldier |
Ikari III - The Rescue | Tough Turf |
Ikari Warriors | Toukidenshou - Angel Eyes |
I'm Sorry | Toypop |
Image Fight | Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.0 |
In the Hunt | Tumble Pop |
Insector X | Turkey Hunting Usa V1.0 |
Iron Horse | Twin Action |
J. J. Squawkers | Twin Falcons |
Jackal | U.N. Squadron |
Jail Break | Ultra Toukon Densetsu |
Joe & Mac Returns | Undercover Cops |
Juno First | Up'n Down |
Karate Blazers | Vampire Hunter 2 |
Karate Champ | Vampire Savior 1 |
Karian Cross | Vampire Savior 2 |
Karnov | Vanguard |
Kicker | Vanguard II |
Kickle Cubicle / Meikyu Jima | Vapor Trail: Hyper Offence Formation |
Knights of the Round | Vastar |
Knuckle Bash | Vendetta |
Knuckle Joe | Vigilante |
Kung-fu Master | Vulcan Venture |
Kuri Kinton | Vulgus |
Lady Bug | Warriors of Fate |
Legend | Willow |
Legend of Hero Tonma | Wonder Boy |
Legend of Makai | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair |
Legendary Wings | Wonder Boy In Monster Land |
Lethal Enforcers | Wonder Momo |
Liquid Kids | Wwf Wrestlefest |
Lock 'n' Chase | Wyvern F-0 |
Lode Runner 1 | X-Men vs. Street Fighter |
Lode Runner 2 | Yie Ar Kung-Fu |
Lode Runner 3 | Zaxxon |
Lode Runner 4 | Zombie Raid |
Fliperama Hacks - 41 Jogos
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Hack 1 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Hack |
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Hack 2 | The King of Dragons Hack |
Captain Commando Hack | The King of Fighters 2000 - AES mode |
Final Fight Hack 1 | The King of Fighters 2001 Plus |
Final Fight Hack 2 | The King of Fighters 2002 - Magic Plus |
Marvel vs. Capcom : Clash of Super Heroes Hack | The King of Fighters 2002 - Magic Plus 2 |
Metal Slug 2 Turbo | The King of Fighters 2002 - Omega |
Metal Slug 4 Plus | The King of Fighters 2002 - Plus |
Metal Slug 6 Hack | The King of Fighters 2002 10th Anniversary |
Samurai Shodown V Hack | The King of Fighters 2002 10th Anniversary Extra Plus |
SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Plus | The King of Fighters 2002 10th Anniversary Unique |
SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos Super Plus | The King of Fighters 2004 - Plus / Hero |
Street Fighter - Zero 1 Hack | The King of Fighters 2004 - Special Edition |
Street Fighter - Zero 2 Hack | The King of Fighters '95 Special |
Street Fighter - Zero 3 Hack | The King of Fighters '96 Hack |
Street Fighter 3 Hack | The King of Fighters '97 Oroshi Plus |
Street Fighter II - Champion Edition Alpha Magic | The King of Fighters '98 Anniversary Edition |
Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition Hack | The King of Fighters '99 Summer Revolution |
Street Fighter II' : Champion Edition Hack 2 | The Punisher AngryBoms |
Street Fighter II : The World Warrior Hack | X-Men vs. Street Fighter Hack |
Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix Hack |
GameGear - 187 Jogos
5 in 1 Funpak | Ninku 2 : Tenkuuryuu e no Michi |
Aa Harimanada | Ninku Gaiden : Hiroyuki Daikatsugeki |
Aerial Assault | Nomo Hideo no World Series Baseball |
Alien 3 | Olympic Gold |
Alien Syndrome | OutRun |
Andre Agassi Tennis | OutRun Europa |
Arcade Classics | Pac-Attack |
Arch Rivals | Pac-In-Time |
Arena | Pac-Man |
Ariel the Little Mermaid | Panzer Dragoon Mini |
Arliel : Crystal Densetsu | Paperboy |
Astérix and the Great Rescue | Paperboy 2 |
Astérix and the Secret Mission | Pengo |
Ax Battler : A Legend of Golden Axe | Pet Club Inu Daisuki! |
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II | Pete Sampras Tennis |
Baku Baku | PGA Tour 96 |
Barbie Super Model | PGA Tour Golf |
Batman Forever | PGA Tour Golf II |
Batman Returns | Phantasy Star Adventure |
Batter Up | Phantasy Star Gaiden |
Battleship : The Classic Naval Combat Game | Phantom 2040 |
Battletoads | Pinball Dreams |
Beavis and Butt-head | Pocket Jansou |
Berlin no Kabe | Poker Face Paul's Blackjack |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S | Poker Face Paul's Gin |
Bonkers Wax Up! | Poker Face Paul's Poker |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | Poker Face Paul's Solitaire |
Bubble Bobble | Pop Breaker |
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble | Popeye Beach Volleyball |
Bust-A-Move | Power Drive |
Buster Ball | Predator 2 |
Buster Fight | Primal Rage |
Caesars Palace | Prince of Persia |
Captain America and The Avengers | Pro Yakyuu GG League |
Car Licence | Pro Yakyuu GG League '94 |
Casino Funpak | Psychic World |
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse | Putt & Putter |
Chakan | Puyo Puyo |
Championship Hockey | Puyo Puyo Tsuu |
Cheese Cat-astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales | Puzzle & Action : Ichidant-R |
Chicago Syndicate | Puzzle and Action Tanto-R |
Choplifter III | Puzzle Bobble |
Chuck Rock | Quest for the Shaven Yak starring Ren Hoek & Stimp |
Chuck Rock II : Son of Chuck | R.B.I. Baseball '94 |
Cliffhanger | R.C. Grand Prix |
Clutch Hitter | Rastan Saga |
Coca-Cola Kid | Revenge of Drancon |
Columns | Riddick Bowe Boxing |
Cool Spot | Rise of the Robots |
Cosmic Spacehead | Ristar |
Crayon Shin-chan : Taiketsu! Kantam Panic!! | Road Rash |
Crystal Warriors | RoboCop 3 |
Cutthroat Island | RoboCop Versus The Terminator |
Daffy Duck in Hollywood | Royal Stone : Hirakareshi Toki no Tobira |
Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck | Ryuu Kyuu |
Defenders of Oasis | S.S. Lucifer : Man Overboard |
Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner And Wile E. Coyote | Samurai Shodown |
Desert Strike : Return to the Gulf | Scratch Golf |
Devilish | SD Gundam : Winner's History |
Disney's Aladdin | Sega Game Pack 4 in 1 |
Donald no Magical World | Sensible Soccer : European Champions |
Doraemon : Noranosuke no Yabou | Shadam Crusader : Harukanaru Oukoku |
Doraemon : Waku Waku Pocket Paradise | Shanghai II |
Double Dragon: The Revenge of Billy Lee | Shaq Fu |
Dr. Franken | Shikinjou |
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Shining Force Gaiden : Ensei, Jashin no Kuni e |
Dragon : The Bruce Lee Story | Shining Force Gaiden : Final Conflict |
Dragon Crystal | Shining Force Gaiden II : Jashin no Kakusei |
Dropzone | Shinobi |
Dunk Kids | Side Pocket |
Dynamite Headdy | Skweek |
Earthworm Jim | Solitaire FunPak |
Ecco : The Tides of Time | Solitaire Poker |
Ecco the Dolphin | Sonic Blast |
Ernie Els Golf | Sonic Chaos |
Eternal Legend : Eien no Densetsu | Sonic Drift |
Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing | Sonic Drift 2 |
F1 | Sonic Labyrinth |
F1 : World Championship Edition | Sonic Spinball |
F-15 Strike Eagle | Sonic the Hedgehog |
Faceball 2000 | Sonic the Hedgehog : Triple Trouble |
Factory Panic | Sonic the Hedgehog 2 |
Fantastic Dizzy | Soukoban |
Fantasy Zone | Space Harrier |
Fatal Fury Special | Spider-Man |
FIFA International Soccer | Spider-Man : Return of the Sinister Six |
FIFA Soccer 96 | Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge |
Foreman for Real | Spirou |
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball | Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball |
Fray : Shugyou Hen | Sports Trivia |
Fred Couples' Golf | Sports Trivia : Championship Edition |
Frogger | Star Trek : Generations : Beyond the Nexus |
From TV Animation : Slam Dunk, Shouri e no Starting 5 | Star Trek : The Next Generation, The Advanced Holodeck Tutorial |
Galaga '91 | Star Wars |
Gamble Panic | Stargate |
Gambler Jiko Chuushinha | Street Hero |
Garfield : Caught in the Act | Streets of Rage |
Gear Stadium | Streets of Rage 2 |
Gear Stadium Heiseiban | Striker |
Gear Works | Super Battletank |
George Foreman's KO Boxing | Super Columns |
GG Aleste | Super Golf |
GG Aleste II | Super Kick Off |
GG Portrait : Pai Chen | Super Momotarou Dentetsu III |
GG Portrait : Yuuki Akira | Super Monaco GP |
Global Gladiators | Super Off Road |
G-LOC : Air Battle | Super Smash T.V. |
Godzilla : Kaijuu no Daishingeki | Super Space Invaders |
GP Rider | Super Star Wars : Return of the Jedi |
Greendog : The Beached Surfer Dude! | Superman : The Man of Steel |
Griffin | Surf Ninjas |
Gunstar Heroes | Sylvan Tale |
Halley Wars | T2 : The Arcade Game |
Head Buster | Tails Adventures |
Home Alone | Tails no Skypatrol |
Honoo no Toukyuuji : Dodge Danpei | Taisen Mahjong HaoPai |
Hook | Taisen Mahjong HaoPai 2 |
Hurricanes | Taisen-gata Daisenryaku G |
Hyokkori Hyoutan-jima : Hyoutan-jima no Daikoukai | Taito Chase H.Q |
Hyper Pro Yakyuu '92 | TaleSpin |
In the Wake of Vampire | Tama & Friends 3 Choume Kouen : Tamalympic |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | Tarot no Yakata |
Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal | Tarzan : Lord of the Jungle |
J.League GG Pro Striker '94 | Tatakae! Pro Yakyuu Twin League |
J.League Soccer : Dream Eleven | Taz in Escape from Mars |
James Bond 007 : The Duel | Taz-mania |
James Pond 3 : Operation Starfish | Tempo Jr. |
James Pond II : Codename RoboCod | Tengen World Cup Soccer |
Jang Pung II | Terminator 2 : Judgment Day |
Joe Montana Football | Tesserae |
Journey from Darkness : Strider Returns | The Addams Family |
Judge Dredd | The Adventures of Batman & Robin |
Junction | The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure |
Jungle Strike | The Chessmaster |
Jurassic Park | The Excellent Dizzy Collection |
Kaitou Saint Tail | The GG Shinobi II |
Kawasaki Superbikes | The Incredible Crash Dummies |
Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba | The Incredible Hulk |
Kick & Rush | The Itchy & Scratchy Game |
Kinetic Connection | The Jungle Book |
Kishin Douji Zenki | The Lion King |
Klax | The Lost World : Jurassic Park |
Krusty's Fun House | The Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck |
Kuni-chan no Game Tengoku | The Majors Pro Baseball |
Kuni-chan no Game Tengoku Part 2 | The Ottifants |
Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse | The Pro Yakyuu '91 |
Last Action Hero | The Quiz Gear Fight!! |
Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse | The Simpsons : Bart vs the Space Mutants |
Lemmings | The Simpsons : Bart vs. the World |
Lunar : Sanpo-suru Gakuen | The Simpsons : Bartman Meets Radioactive Man |
Madden 96 | The Smurfs |
Madden NFL 95 | The Smurfs Travel the World |
Magic Knight Rayearth | The Terminator |
Magic Knight Rayearth 2 : Making of Magic Knight | Tintin in Tibet |
Magical Puzzle Popils | Tom and Jerry : The Movie |
Magical Taruruuto-kun | Torarete Tamaruka!? |
Mappy | True Lies |
Marble Madness | Ultimate Soccer |
Marko's Magic Football | Urban Strike |
Master of Darkness | Vampire : Master of Darkness |
Mega Man | Virtua Fighter Animation |
Megami Tensei Gaiden : Last Bible | VR Troopers |
Megami Tensei Gaiden : Last Bible S | Wagyan Land |
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge | Wheel of Fortune |
Micro Machines | Wimbledon Tennis |
Micro Machines 2 : Turbo Tournament | Winter Olympics |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers | Wizard Pinball |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Movie | Wolfchild |
MLBPA Baseball | Wonder Boy |
Moldorian : Hikari to Yami no Sister | Wonder Boy : The Dragon's Trap |
Monster Truck Wars | Woody Pop |
Monster World II : Dragon no Wana | World Class Leader Board |
Ms. Pac-Man | World Cup USA 94 |
Nazo Puyo | World Derby |
Nazo Puyo 2 | World Series Baseball |
Nazo Puyo Arle no Roux | World Series Baseball '95 |
NBA Action Starring David Robinson | WWF Raw |
NBA Jam | WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge |
NBA Jam : Tournament Edition | X-Men |
Neko Daisuki! | X-Men : GamesMaster's Legacy |
NFL '95 | X-Men : Mojo World |
NFL Quarterback Club | Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush |
NFL Quarterback Club '96 | Yu Yu Hakusho : Horobishimono no Gyakushuu |
NHL All-Star Hockey | Yu Yu Hakusho 2 : Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai |
Nhl Hockey | Zan Gear |
Ninja Gaiden | Zool : Ninja of the Nth Dimension |
Ninku | Zoop |
Game Boy Color - 490 Jogos
1942 | Mortal Kombat 4 |
007: The World is Not Enough | Mr Nutz |
102 Dalmatians : Puppies to the Rescue | Mr. Driller |
3d Pocket Pool | Ms. Pac-Man: Special Color Edition |
3-D Ultra Pinball : Thrillride | NASCAR 2000 |
720 Degrees | NASCAR Challenge |
A Bug's Life | NASCAR Heat |
Action Man: Search for Base X | NASCAR Racers |
Airforce Delta | Nations, The - Land Of Legends |
Aladdin | NBA Hoopz |
Alfred's Adventure | NBA In the Zone |
Alice in Wonderland | NBA Show Time : NBA on NBC |
Aliens : Thanatos Encounter | New York Race |
All Star Tennis 2000 | NFL Blitz |
All-Star Baseball 2000 | NHL 2000 |
Alone in the Dark : The New Nightmare | NHL Blades of Steel |
Animorphs | Nicktoons Racing |
Antz | No Fear - Downhill Mountain Biking |
Antz Racing | Noddy And The Birthday Party |
Arcade Hits : Joust & Defender | NSYNC : Get to the Show |
Arcade Hits : Moon Patrol & Spy Hunter | O'leary Manager 2000 |
Armada : FX Racers | Pac-Man : Special Color Edition |
Armorines : Project S.W.A.R.M. | Painter |
Army Men | Paperboy |
Army Men : Air Combat | Papyrus |
Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day! | Perfect Dark |
Asterix & Obelix vs Caesar | Pitfall : Beyond the Jungle |
Astérix : Search for Dogmatix | Planet of the Apes |
Asteroids | Player Manager 2001 |
Atlantis : The Lost Empire | Pocket Billiards - Funk The 9 Ball |
Atv Racing | Pocket Bomberman |
Austin Powers : Oh, Behave! | Pocket Bowling |
Austin Powers : Welcome to my Underground Lair! | Pocket GT |
Babe and Friends | Pocket Music |
Baby Felix - Halloween | Pocket Soccer |
Backgammon | Pokémon : Gold Version |
Ballistic | Pokémon : Silver Version |
Balloon Fight Gb | Pokémon Crystal Version |
Barbie : Fashion Pack Games | Pokémon Pinball |
Bass Masters Classic | Pokémon Puzzle Challenge |
Batman of the Future : Return of the Joker | Pokémon Trading Card Game |
Battleship | Pokémon Yellow Version : Special Pikachu Edition |
BattleTanx | Polaris SnoCross |
Bear in the Big Blue House | Pong : The Next Level |
Beauty and the Beast : A Board Game Adventure | Pooh and Tigger's Hunny Safari |
Billy Bob's Huntin' 'n' Fishin' | Portal Runner |
Bionic Commando : Elite Forces | Power Quest |
Black Bass : Lure Fishing | Power Rangers : Lightspeed Rescue |
Blade | Power Rangers : Time Force |
Blaster Master : Enemy Below | Power Spike : Pro Beach Volleyball |
Blue's Clues : Blue's Alphabet Book | Prince Naseem Boxing |
Boarder Zone | Prince of Persia |
Bob the Builder : Fix it Fun! | Pro Darts |
Bomberman Max : Blue Champion | Pro Pool |
Bomberman Max : Red Challenger | Project S-11 |
Bomberman Quest | Puchi Carat |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Puzzle Master |
Bugs Bunny in Crazy Castle 4 | Puzzled |
Bust-A-Move 4 | Q*bert |
Bust-A-Move Millennium | QIX Adventure |
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command | Quest : Fantasy Challenge |
Cannon Fodder | Quest for Camelot |
Carl Lewis Athletics 2000 | Quest RPG : Brian's Journey |
Carmageddon : Carpocalypse Now | Race Time |
Casper | Radikal Bikers |
Caterpillar Construction Zone | Rainbow Islands |
Catwoman | Rampage : World Tour |
Catz : Your Virtual Petz Palz | Rampart |
Centipede | Rats! |
Championship Motocross 2001 featuring Ricky Carmic | Rayman |
Chase H.Q. : Secret Police | Razor Freestyle Scooter |
Chessmaster | Ready 2 Rumble Boxing |
Chicken Run | Rescue Heroes : Fire Frenzy |
Classic Bubble Bobble | Resident Evil Gaiden |
Colin Mcrae Rally | Return of the Ninja |
Columns GB: Tezuka Osamu Characters | Revelations : The Demon Slayer |
Commander Keen | Rhino Rumble |
Conker's Pocket Tales | Rip-tide Racer |
Cool Bricks | Road Champs : BXS Stunt Biking |
Croc | Road Rash |
Cruis'n Exotica | Roadsters Trophy |
Crystalis | Robin Hood |
Cubix : Robots for Everyone, Race 'n Robots | Robocop |
Daffy Duck : Fowl Play | Robopon : Sun Version |
Daikatana | Robot Wars - Metal Mayhem |
Daiku No Gen-san - Kachikachi No Tonkachi Ga Kachi | Rocket Power : Gettin' Air |
Dance Dance Revolution Gb - Disney Mix | Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter |
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX | Roland Garros French Open |
David Beckham Soccer | Ronaldo V-Soccer |
Deer Hunter | Roswell Conspiracies : Aliens, Myths & Legends |
Denki Blocks! | Rox |
Dexter's Laboratory : Robot Rampage | R-Type DX |
Dinosaur | Rugrats : Time Travelers |
Dinosaur'us | Rugrats : Totally Angelica |
Diva Starz : Mall Mania | Rugrats in Paris : The Movie |
Dogz : Your Virtual Petz Palz | Sabrina : The Animated Series, Spooked! |
Donald Duck : Goin' Quackers | Sabrina : The Animated Series, Zapped! |
Donkey Kong Country | San Francisco Rush 2049 |
Donkey Kong GB - Dinky Kong & Dixie Kong | Santa Claus Junior |
Doug's Big Game | Scooby-Doo! : Classic Creep Capers |
Dracula : Crazy Vampire | Scrabble |
Dragon Ball Z : Legendary Super Warriors | Sesame Street Sports |
Dragon Dance | Sgt. Rock : On the Frontline |
Dragon Tales : Dragon Adventures | Shadowgate Classic |
Dragon Tales : Dragon Wings | Shamus |
Dragon Warrior Monsters | Shanghai Pocket |
Dragon's Lair | Shantae |
Driver : You are the Wheelman | Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder |
Dropzone | Shrek : Fairy Tale Freakdown |
Duke Nukem | Snoopy Tennis |
Dynamike | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
E.T. : The Extra-Terrestrial and the Cosmic Garden | Soccer Manager |
E.T. : The Extra-Terrestrial, Digital Companion | Space Invaders |
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial : Escape from Planet Earth | Space Invasion |
Earthworm Jim : Menace 2 the Galaxy | Space Marauder |
ECW Hardcore Revolution | Spacestation Silicon Valley |
Elevator Action EX | Spawn |
Elmo's 123s | Speedy Gonzales : Aztec Adventure |
Elmo's ABCs | Spider-Man |
Emperor's New Groove, The | Spirou Robbedoes - The Robot Invasion |
European Super League | SpongeBob SquarePants : Legend of the Lost Spatula |
Evel Knievel | Spy vs. Spy |
Extreme Ghostbusters | Star Wars Episode I : Obi-Wan's Adventures |
Extreme Sports with the Berenstain Bears | Star Wars Episode I : Racer |
F1 Championship Season 2000 | Street Fighter Alpha : Warriors' Dreams |
F1 Racing Championship | Stuart Little : The Journey Home |
F-1 World Grand Prix | Super Bombliss Dx |
F-18 Thunder Strike | Super Breakout! |
FIFA 2000 | Super Chinese Fighter Ex |
Fix & Foxi - Episode 1 Lupo | Super Mario Bros. Deluxe |
Flipper & Lopaka | Supercross Freestyle |
Force 21 | Survival Kids |
Formula One 2000 | Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing |
Fort Boyard | Swiv |
Frogger | Sylvanian Families - Otogi No Kuni No Pendant |
Galaga : Destination Earth | Sylvanian Melodies - Mori no Nakama to Odori Mashi |
Gex : Enter the Gecko | Tarzan |
Ghosts'n Goblins | Tazmanian Devil : Munching Madness |
Gift | Tech Deck Skateboarding |
Gobs of Games | Test Drive 2001 |
Godzilla : The Series | Test Drive 6 |
Godzilla : The Series, Monster Wars | Test Drive Cycles |
Gold and Glory : The Road to El Dorado | Test Drive Le Mans |
Golden Goal | Tetris DX |
Grand Theft Auto | The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland |
Gremlins Unleashed | The Adventures of the Smurfs |
Halloween Racer | The Dukes of Hazzard : Racing for Home |
Hamtaro : Ham-Hams Unite! | The F.A. Premier League Stars 2001 |
Hands of Time | The Fish Files |
Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles : Race Across America | The Flintstones : Burgertime in Bedrock |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | The Grinch |
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone | The Land Before Time |
Harvest Moon GBC | The Legend of Zelda : Link's Awakening DX |
Hello Kitty No Magical Museum | The Legend of Zelda : Oracle of Ages |
Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy | The Legend of Zelda : Oracle of Seasons |
Hercules - The Legendary Journeys | The Mask of Zorro |
Heroes of Might and Magic | The Mummy |
Hexcite : The Shapes of Victory | The Mummy Returns |
Hollywood Pinball | The Muppets |
Hot Wheels : Stunt Track Driver | The New Addams Family Series |
Hoyle Card Games | The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley |
Hoyle Casino | The New Batman Adventures : Chaos in Gotham |
Hugo - Black Diamond Fever | The Powerpuff Girls : Bad Mojo Jojo |
Hugo - The Evil Mirror | The Powerpuff Girls : Battle Him |
Hype: The Time Quest | The Powerpuff Girls : Paint the Townsville Green |
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine | The Rugrats Movie |
Inspector Gadget : Operation Madkactus | The Simpsons : Night of the Living Treehouse of Ho |
International Karate 2000 | The Smurfs Nightmare |
International Rally | The Wild Thornberrys : Rambler |
International Superstar Soccer 2000 | Thunder Blast Man |
International Superstar Soccer 99 | Thunderbirds |
International Track & Field | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 |
Jeff Gordon XS Racing | Tintin In Tibet |
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 | Tiny Toon Adventures : Buster Saves the Day |
Jimmy White's Cueball | Tiny Toon Adventures: Dizzy's Candy Quest |
JumpStart Dino Adventure : Field Trip | Titus the Fox to Marrakech and Back |
Jungle Book : Mowgli's Wild Adventure, The | TNN Outdoors Fishing Champ |
Karate Joe | TOCA Touring Car Championship |
Keep The Balance | Toki Tori |
Kelly Club : Clubhouse Fun | Tom & Jerry |
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest | Tom and Jerry : Mousehunt |
Kirby : Tilt 'n' Tumble | Tom and Jerry in Mouse Attacks! |
Kirikou | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six |
Klax | Tomb Raider |
Klustar | Tomb Raider : Curse of the Sword |
Knockout Kings | Tonic Trouble |
Las Vegas Cool Hand | Tonka Construction Site |
Laura | Tonka Raceway |
Legend of the River King GB | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater |
LEGO Alpha Team | Toobin' |
LEGO Racers | Toonsylvania |
LEGO Stunt Rally | Top Gear Pocket |
Lemmings & Oh no! More Lemmings | Top Gun : Fire Storm |
Lil' Monster | Total Soccer 2000 |
Lion King : Simba's Mighty Adventure, The | Towers : Lord Baniff's Deceit |
Little Magic | Toy Story Racer |
Little Nicky | Trick Boarder |
Logical | Triple Play 2001 |
Looney Tunes | Trouballs |
Looney Tunes : Carrot Crazy | Turok : Rage Wars |
Looney Tunes : Twouble! | Tweenies - Doodles' Bones |
Looney Tunes Collector : Alert! | Tweety's High-Flying Adventure |
Looney Tunes Racing | Tyco RC : Racin' Ratz |
Lucky Luke | Tyrian 2000 |
Lucky Luke: Desperado Train | Ultimate Fighting Championship |
Lufia : The Legend Returns | Ultimate Paint Ball |
M&M's Minis Madness | Ultimate Surfing |
Magi Nation | Uno |
Magical Drop | Vegas Games |
Magical Tetris Challenge | Vigilante 8 |
Marble Madness | VIP |
Mario Tennis | V-Rally : Championship Edition |
Marvin Strikes Back! | Wacky Races |
Mary-Kate and Ashley : Crush Course | Warlocked |
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX | Warriors of Might and Magic |
Matchbox Emergency Patrol | WCW Mayhem |
Maus, Die | Wendy : Every Witch Way |
Maya the Bee & Her Friends | Wetrix GB |
Maya the Bee: Garden Adventures | Wings of Fury |
Mega Man Xtreme | Wizardry I - Proving Grounds Of The Mad Overlord |
Men in Black : The Series | Woody Woodpecker |
Merlin | Woody Woodpecker Racing |
Metal Gear Solid | World Destruction League : Thunder Tanks |
Metal Walker | Worms Armageddon |
Mia Hamm Soccer Shootout | WWF Attitude |
Mickey's Racing Adventure | WWF Betrayal |
Mickey's Speedway USA | WWF WrestleMania 2000 |
Micro Machines 1 and 2 : Twin Turbo | Xena : Warrior Princess |
Micro Machines V3 | X-Men : Mutant Academy |
Micro Maniacs | X-Men : Wolverine's Rage |
Microsoft : The 6 in 1 Puzzle Collection Entertainment Pack | X-Men: Mutant Wars |
Millenium Winter Sports | Xtreme Sports |
Missile Command | Xtreme Wheels |
Mission : Impossible | Yars' Revenge |
Monkey Puncher | Yoda Stories |
Monopoly | Yogi Bear : Great Balloon Blast |
Monster Rancher Battle Card GB | Yu-gi-oh! Dark Duel Stories |
Monster Rancher Explorer | Zebco Fishing! |
Monsters, Inc. | Zidane Football Generation |
Montezuma's Return! | Zoboomafoo : Playtime in Zobooland |
Moomin's Tale |
Intellivision - 174 Jogos
4-tris | Mouse Trap |
Abpa Backgammon | Mr. Basic Meets Bits 'n Bytes |
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons | Nasl Soccer |
Adventure -AD&D- Cloudy Mountain | Nba Basketball |
Air Strike | Nfl Football |
Armor Battle | Nhl Hockey |
Astrosmash | Night Stalker |
Astrosmash: Meteor | Nova Blast |
Atlantis | Number Jumble |
Auto Racing | Pac-man |
B-17 Bomber | Pba Bowling |
Baseball | Pga Golf |
BeamRider | Pinball |
Beauty and the Beast | Pitfall! |
Blockade Runner | Pole Position |
Body Slam: Super Pro Wrestling | Pong |
Bomb Squad | Popeye |
Boxing | Q*bert |
Brickout | Reversi |
Bump 'n' Jump | River Raid |
Burgertime | Robot Rubble |
Buzz Bombers | Royal Dealer |
Carnival | Safecracker |
Centipede | Scooby Doo's Maze Chase |
Championship Tennis | Sea Battle |
Checkers | Sewer Sam |
Chip Shot: Super Pro Golf | Shark! Shark! |
Commando | Sharp Shot |
Congo Bongo | Slam Dunk: Super Pro Basketball |
Crazy Clones | Slap Shot: Super Pro Hockey |
Deep Pockets - Super Pro Pool and Billiards | Snafu |
Defender | Space Armada |
Demon Attack | Space Battle |
Dig Dug | Space Cadet |
Diner | Space Hawk |
Donkey Kong | Space Spartans |
Donkey Kong Jr. | Spiker: Super Pro Volleyball |
Dracula | Stadium Mud Buggies |
Dragonfire | Stampede |
Electric Company: Math Fun | Star Strike |
Electric Company: Word Fun | Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back |
Fathom | Sub Hunt |
Frog Bog | Super Cobra |
Frogger | Super Masters! |
Game Factory | Super Pro Decathlon |
Go For The Gold | Super Pro Football |
Grid Shock | Super Soccer |
Happy Holidays: Santa's Helper | Takeover |
Happy Trails | Tennis |
Hard Hat | The Dreadnaught Factor |
Horse Racing | The Jetsons' Ways With Words |
Hover Force | Thin Ice |
Hypnotic Lights | Thunder Castle |
Ice Trek | Tower Of Doom |
King Of The Mountain | Triple Action |
Kool-aid Man | Triple Challenge |
Lady Bug | TRON - Deadly Discs |
Land Battle | TRON: Maze-A-Tron |
Las Vegas Blackjack And Poker | TRON: Solar Sailer |
Las Vegas Roulette | Tropical Trouble |
League Of Light | Truckin' |
Learning Fun I: Math Master Factor Fun | Turbo |
Learning Fun II: Word Wizard Memory Fun | Tutankham |
Lock 'n' Chase | U.s. Ski Team Skiing |
Loco-motion | Uscf Chess |
Magic Carousel | Utopia |
Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man | Vectron |
Melody Blaster | Venture |
Microsurgeon | White Water! |
Mind Strike! | World Cup Football |
Minotaur | World Series Major League Baseball |
Mission-x | Worm Whomper |
Motocross | Zaxxon |
Mountain Madness: Super Pro Skiing |
Master System - 336 Jogos
20 em 1 | Marble Madness |
Ace Of Aces | Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting |
Action Fighter | Marksman Shooting + Trap Shooting + Safari Hunt |
Addams Family, The | Master of Darkness |
Aerial Assault | Masters Of Combat |
After Burner | Maze Hunter 3-D |
Air Rescue | Megumi Rescue |
Aladdin | Mercs |
Alex Kidd - Bmx Trial | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker |
Alex Kidd : High-Tech World | Mickey's Ultimate Challenge |
Alex Kidd : The Lost Stars | Micro Machines |
Alex kidd 3- Curse in Miracle World | Minigolf |
Alex Kidd in Miracle World | Miracle Warriors : Seal of the Dark Lord |
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World | Missile Defense 3-D |
Alf | Mônica no Castelo do Dragão |
Alien 3 | Monopoly |
Alien Storm | Montezuma's Revenge featuring Panama Joe |
Alien Syndrome | Mopiranger |
Altered Beast | Ms. Pac-man |
Andre Agassi Tennis | Nekkyuu Koushien |
Arcade Smash Hits | Nemesis |
Argos No Juujiken | Nemesis 2 |
Ariel : The Little Mermaid | New Zealand Story, The |
As Aventuras da TV Colosso | Ninja Gaiden |
Assault City | Nuclear Creature |
Astérix | Operation Wolf |
Astérix And The Great Rescue | Ottifants, The |
Astro Warrior and Pit Pot | Outrun 3-d |
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco Gp 2 | Outrun Europa |
Aztec Adventure : The Golden Road to Paradise | Pac-mania |
Back To The Future Part 2 | Paperboy |
Back To The Future Part 3 | Parlour Games |
Baku Baku | Pat Riley Basketball |
Bank Panic | Penguin Land |
Basketball Nightmare | Pga Tour Golf |
Batman Returns | Phantasy Star |
Battle Outrun | Pit Fighter |
Battlemaniacs | Pooyan |
Black Belt | Populous |
Blade Eagle 3-D | Poseidon Wars 3-D |
Bomber Raid | Power Strike |
Bonanza Bros. | Power Strike 2 |
Bonkers Wax Up! | Predator 2 |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | Prince Of Persia |
Bruce Lee | Pro Wrestling |
Buggy Run | Pro Yakyuu Pennant Race, The |
Captain Silver | Psychic World |
Casino Games | Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoek & Stimp |
Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum | R.C. Grand Prix |
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse | Rainbow Islands |
Champions Of Europe | Rambo : First Blood Part II |
Championship Hockey | Rambo III |
Chapolim x Drácula : Um Duelo Assustador | Rampage |
Cheese Cat-Astrophe Estrelando Speedy Gonzales | Rampart |
Choplifter | Rastan |
Chuck Rock | Reggie Jackson Baseball |
Chuck Rock 2 - Son Of Chuck | Renegade |
Cloud Master | Rescue Mission |
Comic Bakery | Road Rash |
Comical Machine Gun Joe | Robocop 3 |
Cool Spot | Robocop Versus The Terminator |
Cosmic Spacehead | Rocky |
Cyber Shinobi, The | R-Type |
Cyborg Hunter | Running Battle |
Daffy Duck In Hollywood | Sagaia |
Dallyeora Pigu-wang | Sapo Xule : O Mestre do Kung Fu |
Danan The Jungle Fighter | Sapo Xule Vs Os Invasores do Brejo |
Dead Angle | Sapo Xule: S.O.S. Lagoa Poluida |
Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck | Satellite 7 |
Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner And Wile E. Coyote | Schtroumpfs Autour Du Monde, Les |
Desert Strike | Scramble Spirits |
Dick Tracy | Sega Chess |
Dinobasher Starring Bignose The Caveman | Sega World Tournament Golf |
Double Dragon | Sensible Soccer - European Champions |
Double Hawk | Shadow Of The Beast |
Double Target | Shanghai |
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Shapes and Columns |
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story | Shinobi |
Dragon Crystal | Shooting G. |
Dragon Maze | Simpsons - Bart Vs The Space Mutants, The |
Dynamite Duke | Simpsons - Bart Vs The World, The |
Dynamite Düx | Sitio do Picapau Amarelo |
Dynamite Headdy | Slap Shot |
E.i. - Exa Innova | Solomon No Kagi - Oujo Rihita No Namida |
Eagles 5 | Sonic Blast |
Earthworm Jim | Sonic Chaos |
Ecco : The Tides of Time | Sonic Spinball |
Ecco The Dolphin | Sonic the Hedgehog |
E-SWAT | Sonic The Hedgehog 2 |
F1 | Space Gun |
F-1 Spirit - The Way To Formula-1 | Space Harrier |
F-16 Fighting Falcon | Space Harrier 3-D |
Fantastic Dizzy | Special Criminal Investigation |
Fantasy Zone | Speedball |
Fantasy Zone : The Maze | Speedball 2 |
Fantasy Zone II | SpellCaster |
Felipe Em Ação | Spider-Man |
Férias Frustradas do Pica Pau | Spider-man - Return Of The Sinister Six |
FIFA International Soccer | Sports Pad Football |
Fire & Ice | Spy vs. Spy |
Fire And Forget 2 | Star Wars |
Flash, The | Streets Of Rage |
Flashpoint | Streets Of Rage 2 |
Flintstones, The | Strider |
Forgotten Worlds | Strider 2 |
Fushigi No Oshiro Pit Pot | Submarine Attack |
Gaegujangi Ggachi | Suho Cheonsa |
Gain Ground | Sukeban Deka 2 - Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu |
Galactic Protector | Super Basketball |
Galaxy Force | Super Cross |
Game Box Serie Esportes Radicais | Super Futebol |
Gang's Fighter | Super Futebol II |
Gang's Fighter | Super Kick Off |
Gangster Town | Super Mônaco GP |
Gauntlet | Super Off Road |
George Foreman's Ko Boxing | Super Racing |
Geraldinho | Super Smash T.v. |
Ghost House | Super Space Invaders |
Ghostbusters | Super Tennis |
Ghouls'n Ghosts | Super Tennis |
Global Defense | Super Tennis |
Global Gladiators | Superman - The Man Of Steel |
G-loc Air Battle | T2 - The Arcade Game |
Golden Axe | Taito Chase H.Q. |
Golden Axe Warrior | Taz in Escape from Mars |
Golfamania | Taz-mania |
Golvellius : Valley of Doom | Tecmo World Cup '93 |
Gp Rider | Tensai Bakabon |
Great Basket | Terminator 2 - Judgment Day |
Great Football | Terminator, The |
Great Golf | The Jungle Book |
Great Ice Hockey | The Lion King |
Great Soccer | The Ninja |
Great Voley | The Secret of Shinobi |
Hang-on | The Smurfs |
Hang-On & Astro Warrior | Thunder Blade |
Hang-On & Safari Hunt | Time Soldiers |
Heroes Of The Lance | Tom And Jerry - The Movie |
High School Kimengumi | Toto World 3 |
Home Alone | Trivial Pursuit - Genus Edition |
Hook | Turma da Mônica em: O Resgate |
Hoshi Wo Sagashite... | Ultima 4 - Quest Of The Avatar |
Impossible Mission | Ultimate Soccer |
Incredible Crash Dummies, The | Vigilante |
Incredible Hulk, The | Virtua Fighter Animation |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade : The Action Game | Walter Payton Football |
James Bond 007 - The Duel | Wanted |
James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing | Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? |
James Pond 2 - Codename Robocod | Wimbledon |
Janggun-ui Adeul | Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94 |
Joe Montana Football | Wolfchild |
Jogos de Verão | Wonder Boy |
Jogos de Verão II | Wonder Boy III : The Dragon's Trap |
Jogos Olímpicos | Wonder Boy in Monster Land |
Jurassic Park | Wonder Boy In Monster World |
Kenseiden | Woody Pop |
King's Quest : Quest for the Crown | World Class Leader Board |
Klax | World Cup Usa 94 |
Krusty's Fun House | World Games |
Land of Illusion Estrelando Mickey Mouse | World Grand Prix |
Laser Ghost | Wwf Wrestlemania - Steel Cage Challenge |
Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse | Xenon 2 - Megablast |
Lemmings | X-Men : Mojo World |
Line Of Fire | Ys : The Vanished Omens |
Lord of the Sword | Zaxxon 3-D |
Loretta No Shouzou - Sherlock Holmes | Zillion |
Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck, The | Zillion II : The Tri Formation |
Mahjong Sengoku Jidai | Zool - Ninja Of The Nth Dimension |
Mega Drive - 857 Jogos
16 Zhang Mahjong | Monopoly |
16t | Mr. Nutz |
20 In 1 Golden Mega Game | Ms. Pac-Man |
3 Ninjas Kick Back | Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing |
688 Attack Sub | Mulan |
A Dinosaur's Tale | MUSHA : Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor |
Aa Harimanada | Mutant League Football |
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters | Mutant League Hockey |
Addams Family Values | Mystic Defense |
Advanced Busterhawk Gley Lancer | Mystical Fighter |
Advanced Military Commander | Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu : F-1 Grand Prix |
Aero the Acro-Bat | NBA Action '95 Starring David Robinson |
Aero the Acro-Bat 2 | NBA All-Star Challenge |
Aerobiz Supersonic | NBA Hang Time |
After Burner II | NBA Jam |
Air Buster | NBA Jam : Tournament Edition |
Air Diver | NBA Live 95 |
Aladdin | NBA Live 96 |
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle | NBA Live 97 |
Alien 3 | NBA Live 98 |
Alien Soldier | NBA Showdown '94 |
Alien Storm | NCAA Final Four Basketball |
Alisia Dragoon | NCAA Football |
Altered Beast | New 3d Golf Simulation - Devil's Course |
American Gladiators | New Horizons |
Andre Agassi Tennis | Newman-Haas IndyCar Featuring Nigel Mansell |
Animaniacs | Newzealand Story, The |
Aq Renkan Awa | NFL '95 |
Arcade Classics | NFL 98 |
Arch Rivals | NFL Football '94 starring Joe Montana |
Arcus Odyssey | NFL Quarterback Club |
Ariel - The Little Mermaid | NFL Quarterback Club 96 |
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf | NHL 95 |
Arrow Flash | NHL 96 |
Art Alive | NHL 97 |
Art of Fighting | NHL 98 |
Astérix and the Great Rescue | NHL All-Star Hockey '95 |
Asterix And The Power Of The Gods | NHL Hockey |
Atomic Robo-Kid | Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing |
Atomic Runner | Ninja Gaiden |
ATP Tour Championship Tennis | No Escape |
Australian Rugby League | Nobunaga's Ambition |
Awesome Possum... ...Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt | Normy's Beach Babe-O-Rama |
Aworg - Hero In The Sky | Olympic Gold |
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II | Olympic Summer Games |
B.O.B. | Onslaught |
Baby's Day Out | Operation Europe : Path to Victory 1939-45 |
Back to the Future Part III | Osomatsu-kun Hachamecha Gekijou |
Bahamut Senki | Ottifants, The |
Ball Jacks | Out of this World |
Ballz | Out Run |
Barbie Super Model | Outlander |
Barbie Vacation Adventure | OutRun 2019 |
Barkley Shut Up and Jam 2 | OutRunners |
Barkley Shut Up and Jam! | P.T.O. : Pacific Theater of Operations |
Barney's Hide & Seek Game | Pac-Attack |
Bass Masters Classic | Pac-Man 2 : The New Adventures |
Bass Masters Classic : Pro Edition | Pac-Mania |
Batman : Revenge of the Joker | Paperboy |
Batman : The Video Game | Paperboy 2 |
Batman Forever | Pebble Beach Golf Links |
Batman Returns | Pele! |
Battle Golfer Yui | Pele's World Tournament Soccer |
Battle Squadron | Pengo |
Battlemaster | PGA European Tour |
BattleTech : A Game of Armored Combat | PGA Tour 96 |
Battletoads | PGA Tour Golf |
Battletoads & Double Dragon | PGA Tour Golf II |
Beast Wrestler | PGA Tour Golf III |
Beauty and the Beast : Belle's Quest | Phantasy Star II |
Beauty and the Beast : Roar of the Beast | Phantasy Star III : Generations of Doom |
Beavis and Butt-Head | Phantasy Star IV |
Best of the Best : Championship Karate | Phelios |
Beyond Oasis | Pink Goes to Hollywood |
Bible Adventures | Pirates! Gold |
Bill Walsh College Football 95 | Pitfall : The Mayan Adventure |
Bimini Run | Pit-Fighter |
Bio Hazard Battle | Pocahontas |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pocket Monsters |
Blades of Vengeance | Pocket Monsters 2 |
Blaster Master 2 | Populous |
Blockbuster World Video Game Championship II | Populous 2 - Two Tribes |
Blockout | Power Drive |
Bloodshot | Power Instinct |
Body Count | Powerball |
Bonanza Brothers | Predator 2 |
Bonkers | Premier Manager |
Boogerman : A Pick and Flick Adventure | Premier Manager 97 |
Boxing Legends of the Ring | Prime Time NFL Starring Deion Sanders |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | Prince of Persia |
Brave Battle Saga: Legend of the Magic Warrior | Pro Moves Soccer |
Brett Hull Hockey '95 | Pro Quarterback |
Brian Lara Cricket | Psycho Pinball |
Brian Lara Cricket 96 | Puggsy |
Brutal : Paws of Fury | Putter Golf |
Bubba 'N' Stix | Puzzle & Action : Tanto-R |
Bubble and Squeak | QuackShot Starring Donald Duck |
Bubsy II | Quad Challenge |
Bubsy in : Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind | R.B.I. Baseball 3 |
Buck Rogers : Countdown to Doomsday | R.B.I. Baseball 4 |
Budokan : The Martial Spirit | R.B.I. Baseball '93 |
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble | R.B.I. Baseball 94 |
Bug's Life, A | Race Drivin' |
Bulls versus Blazers and the NBA Playoffs | Radical Rex |
Bulls vs Lakers and the NBA Playoffs | Raiden Trad |
Burning Force | Rainbow Islands Extra |
Cadash | Rambo III |
Caesars Palace | Rampart |
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball | Ranger X |
Caliber.50 | Ransei No Hasha |
Cannon Fodder | Rastan Saga II |
Captain America and the Avengers | Red Zone |
Captain Planet and the Planeteers | Rent A Hero |
Castle of Illusion Estrelando Mickey Mouse | Ressha De Ikou Md, A |
Castlevania : Bloodlines | Revolution X |
Centurion : Defender of Rome | Richard Scarry's Busytown |
Chakan - The Forever Man | Rings of Power |
Champions World Class Soccer | Rise Of The Robots |
Champions World Class Soccer | Risk |
Championship Bowling | Risky Woods |
Championship Pool | Ristar |
Championship Pro-Am | Road Rash |
Chase H.Q. II | Road Rash 3 - Tour de Force |
Chavez II | Road Rash II |
Cheese Cat-astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales | RoadBlasters |
Chess | RoboCop 3 |
Chester Cheetah : Too Cool to Fool | RoboCop versus The Terminator |
Chester Cheetah : Wild Wild Quest | Robot Wreckage |
Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf | Rock n' Roll Racing |
Chibi Maruko-chan - Waku Waku Shopping | Rocket Knight Adventures |
Chiki Chiki Boys | Rockman X3 |
Chuck Rock | Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball |
Chuck Rock II : Son of Chuck | Rolling Thunder 2 |
Clay Fighter | Rolling Thunder 3 |
Cliffhanger | Rolo to the Rescue |
Clue | Romance of the Three Kingdoms II |
Coach K College Basketball | Romance of the Three Kingdoms III : Dragon of Destiny |
College Football USA 96 | Rugby World Cup 1995 |
College Football USA 97 | S.S. Lucifer - Man Overboard |
College Football's National Championship | Sagaia |
College Slam | Saint Sword |
Columns | Sampras Tennis 96 |
Columns III | Samurai Shodown |
Combat Aces | Sangokushi Retsuden - Ransei No Eiyuutachi |
Combat Cars | Saturday Night Slammasters |
Comix Zone | Schtroumpfs Autour Du Monde, Les |
Command And Conquer | Schtroumpfs, Les |
Commandos - Behind Enemy Lines | Scooby-Doo Mystery |
Congo | Scrabble |
Contra : Hard Corps | SeaQuest DSV |
Cool Spot | Sensible Soccer - European Champions |
Cosmic Spacehead | Sesame Street Counting Cafe |
Crack Down | Shadow Blasters |
CrazyBus | Shadow of the Beast |
Cross Fire | Shadow of the Beast II |
Crue Ball | Shadowrun |
Crusader of Centy | Shanghai II : Dragon's Eye |
Crystal's Pony Tale | Shaq Fu |
Curse | Shikinjou |
Cutie Suzuki No Ringside Angel | Shining Force |
Cyberball | Shining Force II |
Cyber-Cop | Shining in the Darkness |
Cyborg Justice | Shinobi III : Return of the Ninja Master |
Daffy Duck In Hollywood | Shove It! ...The Warehouse Game |
Dahna Megami Tanjou | Shui Hu - Feng Yun Zhuan |
Dangerous Seed | Shura No Mon |
Dark Castle | Side Pocket |
Dashin' Desperadoes | Skeleton Krew |
David Crane's Amazing Tennis | Skitchin' |
David Robinson's Supreme Court | Slap Fight MD |
Davis Cup II | Slaughter Sport |
Daze Before Christmas | Snake Rattle N Roll |
Deadly Moves | Snow Bros. Nick & Tom |
Death Duel | Socket |
DEcapAttack | Sol-Deace |
Demolition Man | Soldiers of Fortune |
Desert Attack Helicopter | Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic The Hedgehog 2 |
Desert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote | Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic The Hedgehog 3 |
Desert Strike : Return to the Gulf | Sonic Classics |
Devilish : The Next Possession | Sonic Crackers |
Dick Tracy | Sonic Eraser |
Dick Vitale's 'Awesome, Baby!' College Hoops | Sonic The Hedgehog |
Dino Dini's Soccer | Sonic The Hedgehog 2 |
Dino Land | Sonic The Hedgehog 3 |
Disney Collection, The | Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball |
Divine Sealing | Sorcerer's Kingdom |
DJ Boy | Sorcerian |
Dominus | Space Harrier II |
Donald in Maui Mallard | Space Invaders |
Doom Troopers | Sparkster |
Double Clutch | Speedball 2 : Brutal Deluxe |
Double Dragon | Speedway Pro Challenge |
Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge | Spider-Man |
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone | Spider-Man - Animated Series |
Double Dragon V : The Shadow Falls | Spider-Man & Venom : Maximum Carnage |
Double Dribble : The Playoff Edition | Spider-Man & X-Men : Arcade's Revenge |
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Spiritual Warfare |
Dragon : The Bruce Lee Story | Spirou |
Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden | Splatterhouse 2 |
Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu | Splatterhouse 3 |
Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu 2 | Sports Talk Baseball |
Dragon's Eye Plus - Shanghai 3 | Spot Goes to Hollywood |
Dragon's Fury | Star Control |
Dragon's Revenge | Star Cruiser |
Duke Nukem 3D | Star Trek, Deep Space Nine : Crossroads of Time |
Dune : The Battle for Arrakis | Star Trek, The Next Generation : Echoes from the Past |
Dungeons & Dragons : Warriors of the Eternal Sun | Starflight |
Dyna Brothers | Stargate |
Dyna Brothers 2 | Steel Talons |
Dynamite Duke | Stimpy's Invention Starring Ren Hoek & Stimpy |
Dynamite Headdy | Stormlord |
Ea Sports Double Header | Street Fighter II' : Special Champion Edition |
Earnest Evans | Street Racer |
Earthworm Jim | Street Smart |
Earthworm Jim 2 | Streets of Rage |
Ecco : The Tides of Time | Streets of Rage 2 |
Ecco Jr. | Streets of Rage 3 |
Ecco the Dolphin | Strider |
Elemental Master | Strider Returns : Journey from Darkness |
Eliminate Down | Sub-Terrania |
ESPN Baseball Tonight | Summer Challenge |
ESPN National Hockey Night | Sunset Riders |
ESPN Speed World | Super Baseball 2020 |
ESPN Sunday Night NFL | Super Battleship |
E-SWAT | Super Bubble Bobble |
Eternal Champions | Super Daisenryaku |
Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing | Super Donkey Kong 99 |
Exile | Super Fantasy Zone |
Ex-Mutants | Super Futebol |
Exo Squad | Super Hang On |
Exodus : Journey to the Promised Land | Super High Impact |
F1 - World Championship Edition | Super Hydlide |
F1 Circus | Super Kick Off |
F-117 Night Storm | Super Mario World |
F-15 Strike Eagle II | Super Monaco GP |
F-22 Interceptor | Super Off Road |
Family Feud | Super Real Basketball |
Fantasia | Super Skidmarks |
Fantastic Dizzy | Super Smash T.V. |
Fatal Fury | Super Street Fighter II |
Fatal Labyrinth | Super Thunder Blade |
Fatal Rewind | Super Volleyball |
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge | Superman |
Fido Dido | Sword of Sodan |
FIFA International Soccer | Sword of Vermilion |
Fifa Road To World Cup 98 | Syd of Valis |
FIFA Soccer 95 | Sylvester & Tweety in Cagey Capers |
FIFA Soccer 96 | Syndicate |
FIFA Soccer 97 | T2 : The Arcade Game |
Fighting Masters | Taikou Risshiden |
Final Zone | TaleSpin |
Fire Mustang | Target Earth |
Fire Shark | Task Force Harrier EX |
Flashback : The Quest for Identity | Taz in Escape from Mars |
Flicky | Taz-Mania |
Foreman for Real | Team USA Basketball |
Forgotten Worlds | Techno Clash |
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball | Technocop |
Frogger | Tecmo Super Baseball |
From Tv Animation Slam Dunk - Kyougou Makkou Taiketsu! | Tecmo Super Bowl |
Fun Car Rally | Tecmo Super Bowl II : Special Edition |
Fun 'n' Games | Tecmo Super Bowl III : Final Edition |
Funny World & Balloon Boy | Tecmo Super Hockey |
Fushigi No Umi No Nadia | Tecmo Super NBA Basketball |
Gadget Twins | Tecmo World Cup |
Gaiares | Teddy Boy Blues |
Gain Ground | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : The Hyperstone Heist |
Galahad | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Tournament Fighters |
Galaxy Force II | Tel-tel Stadium |
Garfield : Caught in the Act | Terminator 2 : Judgment Day |
Gargoyles | Test Drive II : The Duel |
Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank : War in the Gulf | Tetris |
Gauntlet IV | The Addams Family |
Gemfire | The Adventures of Batman & Robin |
General Chaos | The Adventures of Mighty Max |
Generations Lost | The Aquatic Games Starring James Pond and the Aquabats |
Genghis Khan II : Clan of the Gray Wolf | The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure |
George Foreman's KO Boxing | The Death and Return of Superman |
Ghostbusters | The Faery Tale Adventure |
Ghouls'n Ghosts | The Flintstones |
G-LOC Air Battle | The Great Circus Mystery Estrelando Mickey & Minnie |
Gods | The Great Waldo Search |
Golden Axe | The Humans |
Golden Axe 3 | The Immortal |
Golden Axe II | The Incredible Crash Dummies |
Goofy's Hysterical History Tour | The Incredible Hulk |
Granada | The Itchy & Scratchy Game |
Greatest Heavyweights | The Jungle Book |
Greendog : The Beached Surfer Dude! | The Lawnmower Man |
Grind Stormer | The Lion King |
Growl | The Lost Vikings |
Gunship | The Lost World : Jurassic Park |
Gunstar Heroes | The Magic School Bus |
Gynoug | The Ooze |
Hard Drivin' | The Pagemaster |
HardBall '94 | The Pirates of Dark Water |
HardBall '95 | The Punisher |
HardBall III | The Revenge of Shinobi |
HardBall! | The Second Samurai |
Harry Potter | The Secret of Shinobi |
Haunting Starring Polterguy | The Simpsons : Bart vs. the Space Mutants |
Head-On Soccer | The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare |
Heavy Nova | The Steel Empire |
Heavy Unit - Mega Drive Special | The Terminator |
Hellfire | The Tick |
Herzog Zwei | Theme Park |
High Seas Havoc | Thunder Force II |
Hit the Ice : VHL, The Official Video Hockey League | Thunder Force III |
Home Alone | Thunder Fox |
Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York | Thunder Pro Wrestling |
Honoo No Toukyuuji Dodge Danpei | Time Killers |
Hook | TinHead |
Huan Le Tao Qi Shu - Smart Mouse | Tiny Toon Adventures : Acme All-Stars |
Hurricanes | Tiny Toon Adventures : Buster's Hidden Treasure |
Hybrid Front, The | TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament '96 |
IMG International Tour Tennis | Todd's Adventures in Slime World |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | ToeJam & Earl |
Insector X | ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron |
Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones | Toki : Going Ape Spit |
International Rugby | Tom and Jerry : Frantic Antics |
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe | Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire |
Ishido : The Way of Stones | Tommy Lasorda Baseball |
It Came from the Desert | Tony La Russa Baseball |
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings | Top Gear 2 |
J. League Pro Striker | Top Pro Golf |
Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf | Total Football |
James Bond 007: The Duel | Toughman Contest |
James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing | Toxic Crusaders |
James Pond : Underwater Agent | Toy Story |
James Pond 3 | Toys |
James Pond II : Codename, Robocod | Trampoline Terror! |
Jammit | Traysia |
Jantei Monogatari | Triple Play : Gold Edition |
Jelly Boy | Triple Play 96 |
Jennifer Capriati Tennis | Trouble Shooter |
Jeopardy! | Troy Aikman NFL Football |
Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl | True Lies |
Jewel Master | Truxton |
Jim Power : The Arcade Game | Turbo Out Run |
Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker | Turma da Mônica na Terra dos Monstros |
Joe & Mac | Turrican |
Joe Montana Football | Twin Hawk |
Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football | Twinkle Tale |
Jogos de Verão | Two Crude Dudes |
John Madden Football | Tyrants : Fight through Time |
John Madden Football : Championship Edition | Uchuu Senkan Gomora |
John Madden Football '92 | Ultimate Qix |
Jordan vs Bird | Ultimate Soccer |
Joshua & the Battle of Jericho | Ultraman |
Judge Dredd | Uncharted Waters |
Junction | Undead Line |
Jungle Strike : The Sequel to Desert Strike | Universal Soldier |
Jurassic Park | Unnecessary Roughness '95 |
Jurassic Park : Rampage Edition | Urban Strike |
Justice League Task Force | Uzu Keobukseon |
Ka-Ge-Ki : Fists of Steel | Valis |
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge | Valis III |
Kick Off 3 - European Challenge | Vapor Trail |
Kid Chameleon | Vectorman |
King Colossus | Vectorman 2 |
King Of Fighters '98, The | Venom & Spider-Man : Separation Anxiety |
King of the Monsters | Verytex |
King of the Monsters 2 | Virtua Fighter 2 |
King Salmon : The Big Catch | Virtua Fighter 2 vs. Tekken 2 |
King's Bounty : The Conqueror's Quest | Virtua Racing |
Kishi Densetsu | Virtual Bart |
Klax | Virtual Pinball |
Krusty's Super Fun House | Vixen 357 |
Kyuukai Douchuuki | VR Troopers |
La Russa Baseball 95 | Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio |
Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs | Wani Wani World |
Landstalker | Wardner |
Last Action Hero | Warlock |
Last Battle | WarpSpeed |
Lemmings | Warrior of Rome |
Lemmings 2 : The Tribes | Warrior of Rome II |
Lethal Enforcers | Warsong |
Lethal Enforcers II : Gun Fighters | Waterworld |
LHX Attack Chopper | Wayne Gretzsky and the NHLPA All-Stars |
Liberty or Death | Wayne's World |
Light Crusader | WeaponLord |
Lightening Force : Quest for the Darkstar | Wheel of Fortune |
Link Dragon | Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? |
M-1 Abrams Battle Tank | Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? |
Ma Jiang Qing Ren - Ji Ma Jiang Zhi | Whip Rush |
Ma Qiao E Mo Ta - Devilish Mahjong Tower | Wimbledon Championship Tennis |
Madden NFL '94 | Winter Challenge |
Madden NFL 95 | Winter Olympic Games |
Madden NFL 96 | Wiz'n'Liz |
Madden NFL 97 | Wolfchild |
Madden NFL 98 | Wolverine - Adamantium Rage |
Mallet Legend | Wonder Boy 3 - Monster Lair |
Marble Madness | Wonder Boy in Monster World |
Mario Andretti Racing | World Championship Soccer II |
Mario Lemieux Hockey | World Cup USA 94 |
Marko | World Heroes |
Marsupilami | World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck |
Marvel Land | World Pro Baseball '94 |
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein | World Series Baseball |
Master Of Weapon | World Series Baseball '95 |
Math Blaster : Episode 1 | World Series Baseball '96 |
Mazin Saga : Mutant Fighter | World Series Baseball 98 |
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure | World Trophy Soccer |
Mega Bomberman | Worms |
Mega Man : The Wily Wars | Wrestle War |
Mega Swiv | WWF Raw |
Mega Turrican | WWF Royal Rumble |
Meng Huan Shui Guo Pan - 777 Casino | WWF Super WrestleMania |
Mercs | WWF WrestleMania : The Arcade Game |
Metal Fangs | Xdr - X Dazedly Ray |
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker | Xenon 2 - Megablast |
Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators | Xiao Monv - Magic Girl |
Mickey Mania : The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse | X-Men |
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge | X-Men 2 : Clone Wars |
Micro Machines | X-Perts |
Micro Machines - Military | Ys III |
Micro Machines - Turbo Tournament '96 | Yuu Yuu Hakusho Gaiden |
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament | YuYu Hakusho : Sunset Fighters |
Midnight Resistance | Zan Yasha Enbukyoku |
MIG-29 Fighter Pilot | Zany Golf |
Might and Magic : Gates to Another World | Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel |
Might and Magic III : Isles of Terra | Zero Tolerance |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers | Zero Wing |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Movie | Zhuo Gui Da Shi - Ghost Hunter |
Mike Ditka Power Football | Zombies Ate My Neighbors |
Minnesota Fats : Pool Legend | Zool : Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension |
Misadventures Of Flink, The | Zoom! |
Mk 5 - Mortal Combat - Subzero | Zoop |
MLBPA Baseball |
MSX - 188 Jogos
1942 | Knightmare III - Shalom |
10 Yard Fight | Knither Special |
A Life M36 Planet - MotherBrain has Been Aliving | Konami no Shin 10 Bai Cartridge |
A.E. | Konami's Baseball |
Actman | Konami's Billiards |
Adven'chuta! | Konami's Boxing |
Albatros | Konami's Golf |
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress | Konami's Mahjong Dojo |
Alibaba and 40 Thieves | Konami's Ping Pong |
Alien 8 | Konami's Pooyan |
Aliens | Konami's Synthesizer |
Alpha Roid | Konami's Tennis |
American Truck | Kung Fu Master |
Angelo | L.3.W |
Animal Land Satsujin Jiken | Le Mans |
Antarctic Adventure | Legendly Knight |
Aoki Ōkami to Shiroki Mejika : Genghis Khan | Les Flics |
Aquattack | Lode Runner |
Aramo | Lode Runner II |
Arkanoid | Lot Lot |
Athletic Land | Lunar Ball |
B.C.'s Quest for Tires | Mac Attack |
B.C.'s Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge | Macross Countdown |
Back to the Future | Magical Kid Wiz |
Backgammon | Magical Tree |
Backgammon | Majou Densetsu |
Balance | Manes |
Banana | Maô Golvellius |
Bank Panic | Mappy |
Batman | Meikyuu Shinwah |
Batten Tanuki no Daibouken | Midnight Building |
Battle Cross | Midway |
Battle Ship Clapton II | Mini Golf |
Beach-Head | Moai No Hihō |
Beamrider | Mole |
Binary Land | Mole Mole 2 |
Blagger | Monta-kun no Ichi-Ni-Sans? |
Block Hole | Moon Landing |
Blockade Runner | Moon Patrol |
Boggy '84 | Moonsweeper |
Boing Boing - Busca la fraccion | Mopi Ranger |
Bokosuka Wars | Mouser |
Bomber King | Mr. Chin |
Bomber Man | Mr. Do! |
Bomber Man Special | Mr. Do! vs Unicorns |
Boomerang | MSX Baseball |
Bosconian | MSX Baseball II |
Break In | MSX Rugby |
Break Out | MSX Soccer |
Brother Adventure. Mario Bros | Nausicaa |
Bruce Lee | Nightshade |
Bubble Bobble | Ningyo Densetsu. Fathom |
Burger Time | Ninja Jaja Maru Kun |
Buru to Marty Kikiippatsu. Inspecteur Z | Ninja Kun |
Butamaru Pants | Ninja Kun. Majyo no Bouken |
Cabbage Patch Kids | Ninja Princess |
Candoo Ninja | Ninjya Kage |
Cannon Ball | Nobunaga no Yabou 2 - Zenkokuban |
Car Fighter | Oil's Well |
Car Jamboree | Okami no Su |
Car Race | Otenba Becky no Daibouken |
Castle Excellent | Othello |
Chack 'n Pop | Pachicom |
Challenge Derby | Pachinko - U.F.O. |
Champion Boulder Dash | Pac-Man |
Champion Boxing | Pairs |
Champion Ice Hockey | Panther |
Champion Pro Wrestling | Parodius : Tako ga chikyuu o sukuu |
Champion Soccer | Pastfinder |
Championship Lode Runner | Payload |
Chess Master | Pegasus |
Choplifter | Penguin Kun Wars |
Choro Q | Pico Pico |
Chugaku Hisshu Eibunpo 1 | Picture Puzzle |
Circus Charlie | Pine Applin |
City Connection | Pippols |
Coaster Race | Pitfall |
Columns | Pitfall II - Lost Caverns |
Come On! Picot | Playball |
Comecocos | Ponpokopan |
Computer Billiards | Puzzle Panic |
Computer Chess | Pyramid Warp |
Computer Othello | Q-Bert |
Confused | Queen's Golf |
Cosmic Soldier : Psychic War | Raid on Bungeling Bay |
Courageous Perseus | Rally-X |
Craze | Rambo |
Crazy Cars | Real Tennis |
Crazy Train | Relics |
Cross Blaim | Rise Out from Dungeons |
Crusader | River Raid |
C-So! | Road Fighter |
Dawn Patrol | Robowres 2001 |
D-Day | Rock 'n Bolt |
Decathlon | Roller Ball |
Deep Dungeon II | R-Type |
Dig Dug | Salamander - Operation X |
Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei | Sangokushi. Romance Of Three Kingdoms |
Doki Doki Penguin Land | Sasa |
Door Door mkII | Saurus land |
Dorodon | Scion |
Double Dragon | Scope On - Fight in Space |
Dragon Quest | Scramble Eggs |
Dragon Slayer | Seiken Acho |
Dragon Slayer 2 - Xanadu | Senjyo |
Dragon Slayer 4 - Drasle Family | Senjyo no Ookami |
Dragon Slayer III - Romancia | Sewer Sam |
Dungeon Hunter | Shindobaddo Nanatsu no Bouken |
Dungeon Master | Shogi Mars |
Dunk Shot | Ski Command |
Dynamite Bowl | Sky Jaguar |
E.I. - Exa Innova | Slapshot |
Eagle Fighter | Snake It |
Eggerland Mystery | Sofia |
Elevator Action | Soukoban |
Exerion | Space Camp |
Exerion II - Zorni | Space Invaders |
Exoide-Z | Space Maze Attack |
Exoide-Z Area 5 | Space Trouble |
F-1 Spirit - The Way to Formula 1 | Space Walk |
F16 Fighting Falcon | Sparkie |
Fairy | Spelunker |
Fairyland Story | Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper |
Fantasy Zone | Star Blazer |
Farm Kit | Star Command |
Final Justice | Star Force |
Final Zone Wolf | Star Soldier |
Fire Rescue | Step Up |
Flappy | Strange Loop |
Flappy Limited | Super Billiards |
Flash Splash | Super Boy 2 |
Flashpoint | Super Boy 3 |
Flicky | Super Boy I |
Flight Simulator with Torpedo Attack | Super Bubble Bobble |
Formation Z | Super Cobra |
Frogger | Super Drinker |
Frontline | Super Golf |
Funky Mouse | Super Laydock - Mission Striker |
Futbol | Super Pierrot |
G.P. World | Super Snake |
Galaga | Super Soccer |
Galaxian | Super Tennis |
Gall Force - Defense of Chaos | Sutaa Torappu. Star Trap |
Game Master | Swing |
Ghostbusters | Takahasi Meijin no Boukenjima |
Glider | Tank Battalion |
Gofer no Yabou Episode II | Tetra Horror |
Gojira-Kun | The Black Onyx |
Gradius | The Black Onyx II - Search for the Fire Crystal |
Gradius 2 | The Castle |
Green Beret | The Chess Game |
Guardic | The Dam Busters |
Gulkave | The Demon Crystal |
Gunfright | The Goonies |
Gyrodine | The Legend of Kage |
H.E.R.O. | The Light Corridor |
Haja no Fuin | The Police Story |
Hang-On | The Protector |
Heavy Boxing | The Tower of Druaga |
High Way Star | Thexder |
Hole in One | Thunder Bolt |
Hole in One Professional | Time Pilot |
Hopper | Toobin |
Hustle Chumy | Top Roller |
Hydlide | Topple Zip |
Hydlide II - Shine of Darkness | Track & Field 1 |
Hydlide III - The Space Memories | Track & Field 2 |
Hyper Rally | Traffic |
Hyper Sports 1 | Turboat |
Hyper Sports 2 | Turmoil |
Hyper Sports 3 | Twin Bee |
Iga ninpo chou | Ultra-Man |
Iga Ninpou Chou Mangetsujou no Tatakai | Valis - The Fantasm Soldier |
Issunboushi No Donnamondai | Vaxol |
Jump | Volguard |
Jump Coaster | Warroid |
Juno First | Wrangler |
Karuizawa Yūkai Annai | Xyxolog |
Kenja no Ishi | Yellow Submarine |
Keystone Kapers | Yie Ar Kung-Fu |
Kick It | Yie Ar Kung-Fu II - The Emperor Yie-Gah |
King & Balloon | Youkai Yashiki |
King's Knight | Young Sherlock - The Legacy of Doyle |
King's Valley | Yumetairiku Adventure |
King's Valley II - The Seal of El Giza | Zanac |
Kinnikuman. Muscle Man | Zaxxon |
Knight Lore | Zenji |
Knightmare II - The Maze of Galious | Zoom 909 |
Neo Geo - 151 Jogos
2020 Super Baseball | Pleasure Goal |
3 Count Bout | Pochi and Nyaa |
Aero Fighters 2 | Pop 'n Bounce |
Aero Fighters 3 | Power Spikes |
Aggressors of Dark Kombat | Power Spikes II |
Alpha Mission II | Prehistoric Isle 2 |
Andro Dunos | Pulstar |
Art of Fighting | Puzzle Bobble |
Art of Fighting 2 | Puzzle Bobble 2 |
Art of Fighting 3 : The Path of the Warrior | Puzzle De Pon! |
Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki | Puzzle De Pon! R! |
Bang Bang Busters | Puzzled |
Bang Bead | Rage of the Dragons |
Baseball Stars 2 | Ragnagard |
Baseball Stars Professional | Real Bout Fatal Fury |
Battle Flip Shot | Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 - The Newcomers |
Blazing Star | Real Bout Fatal Fury Special |
Blue's Journey | Riding Hero |
Breakers | Robo Army |
Breakers Revenge | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y |
Burning Fight | Samurai Shodown |
Captain Tomaday | Samurai Shodown II |
Crossed Swords | Samurai Shodown III |
Cyber-Lip | Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge |
Double Dragon | Samurai Shodown V |
Dragon's Heaven | Samurai Shodown V Special |
Eight Man | Savage Reign |
Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash | Sengoku |
Fatal Fury : King of Fighters | Sengoku 2 |
Fatal Fury 2 | Sengoku 3 |
Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory | Shock Troopers |
Fatal Fury Special | Shock Troopers : 2nd Squad |
Fight Fever | Soccer Brawl |
Fighter's History Dynamite | Spin Master |
Football Frenzy | Stakes Winner |
Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors | Stakes Winner 2 |
Ganryu | Street Hoop |
Garou: Mark of the Wolves | Strikers 1945 Plus |
Ghost Pilots | Super Dodge Ball |
Ghostlop | Super Sidekicks |
Goal! Goal! Goal! | Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship |
Gururin | Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory |
Jockey Grand Prix | SVC Chaos - SNK Vs. Capcom |
Jonas Indiana and the Lost Temple of RA | Tecmo World Soccer '96 |
King of the Monsters | The Irritating Maze |
King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing | The King of Dragons |
Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle | The King of Fighters 2000 |
Knights of the Round | The King of Fighters 2001 |
Last Resort | The King of Fighters 2002 |
League Bowling | The King of Fighters 2003 |
Legend of Success Joe | The King of Fighters '94 |
Magical Drop II | The King of Fighters '95 |
Magical Drop III | The King of Fighters '96 |
Magician Lord | The King of Fighters '97 |
Matrimelee | The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest |
Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 | The King of Fighters '99 : Millennium Battle |
Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II | The Last Blade |
Metal Slug 3 | The Last Blade 2 |
Metal Slug 4 | The Super Spy |
Metal Slug 5 | The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship |
Metal Slug 6 | Thrash Rally |
Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 | Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy |
Money Puzzle Exchanger | Top Player's Golf |
Mutation Nation | Twinkle Star Sprites |
NAM-1975 | Viewpoint |
Neo Bomberman | Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer |
Neo Drift Out - New Technology | Waku Waku 7 |
Neo Mr. Do! | Windjammers |
Neo Turf Masters | World Heroes |
Neo-Geo Cup '98 - The Road to the Victory | World Heroes 2 |
Nightmare in the Dark | World Heroes 2 Jet |
Ninja Combat | World Heroes Perfect |
Ninja Commando | Zed Blade |
Ninja Master's: Haō Ninpō Chō | Zintrick |
Over Top | Zupapa! |
Panic Bomber |
Neo Geo Pocket Color - 77 Jogos
Baseball Stars Color | NeoGeo Cup '98 Plus |
Beast Busters: Yami no Seitai Heiki | Nige-ron-pa |
Big Bang Pro Wrestling | Oekaki Pazuru |
Big Tournament Golf | Pachi Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket : Azteca |
Bikkuriman 2000 Viva! | Pachi Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket : DH2 |
Biomotor Unitron | Pachi Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket : e-CUP |
Bust-A-Move Pocket | Pachi Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket : Oohanabi |
Choujou Kessen Saikyou Fighters : SNK vs. Capcom | Pachi Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket : Ward of Lights |
Cool Boarders Pocket | Pachi Slot Aruze Oukoku Pocket Porcano 2 |
Cool Cool Jam | Pachinko Hissyou Guide Pocket Parlor |
Cotton - Fantastic Night Dreams | Pachisuro Aruze Oogkoku Pocket - Hanabi |
Crush Roller | Pachisuro Aruze Oogkoku Pocket - Oelsol |
Delta Warp | Pac-Man |
Densetsu no Ogre Battle Gaiden - Zenobia no Ouji | Party Mail |
Densha de GO! 2 | Picture Puzzle |
Dive Alert - Becky's Version | Pocket Love - If |
Dive Alert : Matt's Version | Pocket Reversi |
Dynamite Slugger | Pocket Tennis Color : Pocket Sports Series |
Evolution - Eternal Dungeons | Puyo Puyo 2 |
Faselei! | Puzzle Bobble Mini |
Ganbare Neo Poke Kun | Puzzle Link |
Garou Densetsu : First Contact | Puzzle Link 2 |
Infinity Cure | Renketsu Puzzle Tsunagete Pon! |
Kikou Seiki Unitron | Rockman - Battle & Fighters |
King of Fighters R-2 | Samurai Spirits! 2 |
Koi Koi Mahjong | Shanghai Mini |
Magical Drop Pocket | Shinki Sekai Evolution - Hateshinai Dungeon |
Memories Off - Pure | Shougi no Tatsujin Color |
Metal Slug : 1st Mission | SNK Gals Fighters |
Metal Slug : 2nd Mission | SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters Clash - SNK Version |
Mezase! Kanji Ou | SNK vs. Capcom : Card Fighters 2 Expand Edition |
Mizuki Shigeru no Youkai Shashinkan | SNK vs. Capcom : Card Fighters Clash - Capcom Version |
Neo 21 : Real Casino Series | SNK vs. Capcom : Gekitotsu Card Fighters SNK Supporters Version |
Neo Baccarat - Real Casino Series | Sonic the Hedgehog - Pocket Adventure |
Neo Cherry Master Color : Real Casino Series | Soreike!! Hanafuda Doujou |
Neo Derby Champ Daiyosou | Super Real Mahjong - Premium Collection |
Neo Dragon's Wild : Real Casino Series | The King of Fighters - Battle de Paradise |
Neo Mystery Bonus : Real Casino Series | The Last Blade : Beyond the Destiny |
Neo Poke Pro Yakyuu |
Nintendo - 985 Jogos
1942 | Lethal Weapon |
10-Yard Fight | Life Force |
1943 : The Battle of Midway | Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade |
3d Block | Lion King, The |
3-D WorldRunner | Little Nemo : The Dream Master |
8 Eye's | Little Ninja Brothers |
A Nightmare on Elm Street | Little Red Hood |
Abadox : The Deadly Inner War | Little Samson |
Action 52 | Lode Runner |
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : DragonStrike | Loopz |
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : Heroes of the Lance | Lost Word Of Jenny - Ushinawareta Message |
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : Hillsfar | Lot Lot |
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : Pool of Radiance | Low G Man : The Low Gravity Man |
Advanced Dungeons And Dragons - Dragons Of Flame | Lunar Pool |
Adventures of Dino Riki | M.C. Kids |
Adventures of Lolo | M.U.L.E. |
Adventures of Tom Sawyer | M.U.S.C.L.E. : Tag Team Match |
After Burner | Mach Rider |
Ai Senshi Nicol | Mad Max |
Air Fortress | Madoola No Tsubasa - The Wing Of Madoola |
Airball | Magic Block |
Airwolf | Magic Carpet 1001 |
Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun | Magic Cube |
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing | Magic Darts |
Aladdin | Magic Dragon |
Aladdin 2 | Magic Jewelry |
Alex DeMeo's Race America | Magician |
Alfred Chicken | Magmax |
Alien 3 | Maharaja |
Alien Syndrome | Major League Baseball |
All-Pro Basketball | Majou Densetsu 2 - Daimashikyou Galious |
Alpha Mission | Makai Island |
Alter Ego | Maniac Mansion |
Amagon | Mappy |
American Dream | Mappy Kids |
American Gladiators | Mappy-Land |
Anticipation | Marble Madness |
Arch Rivals : A Basketbrawl! | Mario Bros. |
Archon : The Light and the Dark | Mario Is Missing! |
Arctic | Mario's Time Machine |
Argus | Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu |
Arkanoid | Mechanized Attack |
Arkista's Ring | Mega Man |
Armadillo | Menace Beach |
Assimilate | Mendel Palace |
Astérix | Mermaids of Atlantis : The Riddle of the Magic Bubble |
Astro Fang - Super Machine | Metal Fighter |
Astro Robo Sasa | Metal Force |
Astyanax | Metal Gear |
Athena | Metal Mech : Man & Machine |
Atlantis No Nazo | Metal Storm |
Attack Animal Gakuen | Metro Cross |
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes | Metroid |
Aussie Rules Footy | Michael Andretti's World GP |
Auto-upturn | Mickey Mouse : Dream Balloon |
Babel No Tou | Mickey Mousecapade |
Baby Boomer | Mickey's Adventure in Numberland |
Back To The Future | Mickey's Safari in Letterland |
Bad Dudes | Micro Machines |
Bad News Baseball | Might & Magic : Secret of the Inner Sanctum |
Bad Street Brawler | Mighty Bomb Jack |
Ball N Flag | Mighty Final Fight |
Ballblazer | mike ditka's : big play football |
Balloon Fight | Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! |
Baltron | Millipede |
Banana | Milon's Secret Castle |
Banana Prince | Minesweeper |
Bandit Kings of Ancient China | Mini-putt |
Barbie | Minna No Taabou No Nakayoshi Daisakusen |
Barker Bill's Trick Shooting | Mirai Senshi - Lios |
Baseball | Mission : Impossible |
Baseball Simulator 1.000 | Mission Cobra |
Baseball Stars | Monopoly |
Bases Loaded | Monster in My Pocket |
Bashi Bazook : Morphoid Masher | Monster Party |
Batman : Return of the Joker | Monster Truck Rally |
Batman : The Video Game | Moon Crystal |
Batman Returns | Moon Ranger |
Batsu And Terry - Makyou No Tetsujin Race | Motocross Champion |
Battle Chess | MotorCity Patrol |
Battle City | Mottomo Abunai Deka |
Battle Kid : Fortress Of Peril | Mouryou Senki Madara |
Battle Kid 2 - Mountain Of Torment | Mr Gimmick |
Battleship | Ms. Pac-man (Namco) |
Battletoads | MTV's Remote Control |
Battletoads & Double Dragon | Mugen Senshi Valis |
BB Car | Muppet Adventure : Chaos at the Carnival |
Beat'en And Eat'em | Musashi No Bouken |
Bee 52 | Musashi No Ken - Tadaima Shugyou Chuu |
Beetlejuice | Mystery Quest |
Best of the Best : Championship Karate | Myth Struggle |
Bible Adventures | NARC |
Bible Buffet | Nekketsu Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes |
Big City Sliding Blaster | NFL |
Big Nose Freaks Out | Nightshade |
Big Nose the Caveman | Niji No Silkroad |
Bigfoot | Ninja Crusaders |
Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure | Ninja Gaiden |
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge | Ninja Gaiden II : The Dark Sword of Chaos |
Binary Land | Ninja Kid |
Bingo 75 | Noah's Ark |
Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa | North and South |
Bionic Commando | Nuts And Milk |
Bird Week | Oishinbo - Kyuukyoku No Menu Sanbon Shoubu |
Blackjack | Olympic I.q. |
Blade Buster | Onyanko Town |
Blades of Steel | Operation Secret Storm |
Blaster Master | Operation Wolf |
Blodia Land - Puzzle Quest | Orb 3D |
Bo Jackson Baseball | Othello |
Bokosuka Wars | Over Horizon |
Bomberman | Overlord |
Bombsweeper | P.O.W. : Prisoners of War |
Bonk's Adventure | Pac-Land |
Booby Kids | Pac-Man |
Boogerman | Pac-Mania |
Boulder Dash | Palamedes |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | Panda Prince |
Break Time : The National Pool Tour | Panic Restaurant |
Breakthru | Paperboy |
Brush Roller | Parallel World |
Bubble Bobble | Parasol Henbee |
Bucky O'Hare | Parodius |
Bump 'n' Jump | Peepar Time |
Burai Fighter | Penguin-kun Wars |
BurgerTime | Perfect Bowling |
Buzz & Waldog | Pescatore |
B-wings | Pesterminator : The Western Exterminator |
Cabal | Phantom Fighter |
Cadillac | Pictionary : The Game of Video Quick Draw |
Caesars Palace | Pikachu Tetris |
California Games | Pin Bot |
Capcom's Gold Medal Challenge '92 | Pinball |
Captain America and the Avengers | Pinball Quest |
Captain Comic : The Adventure | Pipe 5 |
Captain Ed | Pipe Dream |
Captain Planet and the Planeteers | Pirates! |
Captain Silver | Platoon |
Captain Skyhawk | Pocket Monster |
Casino Kid | Poke Block |
Castelian | Pooyan |
Castle Of Deceit | Popeye |
Castle of Dragon | Popeye No Eigo Asobi |
Castlequest | Power Blade |
Castlevania | Power Blazer |
Castlevania II : Simon's Quest | Power Soccer |
Caveman Games | Predator |
Chack'n Pop | Prince of Persia |
Challenge of the Dragon | Pro Sport Hockey |
Challenger | Pro Wrestling |
Championship Bowling | Punch-Out!! |
Championship Lode Runner | Puyo Puyo |
Championship Pool | Puzslot |
Championship Rally | Puzzle |
Chess Academy | Puzznic |
Chester Field - Ankoku Shin E No Chousen | Pyramid |
Chiisana Obake - Acchi Socchi Kocchi | Q*bert |
Chiller | Q-boy |
Chinese Checkers | QIX |
Chip 'N Dale : Rescue Rangers | Quarth |
Choplifter | Quattro Adventure |
Choujin Sentai Jetman | Quattro Arcade |
Chris Evert & Ivan Lendl in Top Players' Tennis | Quattro Sports |
Chubby Cherub | R.B.I. Baseball |
Chuuka Taisen | R.C. Pro-Am |
Circus Caper | Racket Attack |
Circus Charlie | Rad Racer |
City Adventure Touch - Mystery Of Triangle | Radia Senki - Reimeihen |
City Connection | Raid 2020 |
Clash at Demonhead | Raid on Bungeling Bay |
Classic Concentration | Rainbow Islands |
Cliffhanger | Rally Bike |
Clu Clu Land | Rambo |
Cobra Command | Rampage |
Cobra Triangle | Rampart |
Cocoron | Renegade |
Code Name : Viper | Rescue : The Embassy Mission |
Color a Dinosaur | Ring King |
Columbus - Ougon No Yoake | River City Ransom |
Commando | Road Fighter |
Conan | Road Runner |
Conflict | RoadBlasters |
Conquest of the Crystal Palace | Robin Hood : Prince Of Thieves |
Contra | Robo Warrior |
Contra Force | Robocco Wars |
Contra Spirits | RoboCop |
Cool World | RoboCop versus The Terminator |
Corre Benny | Robodemons |
Cosmic Epsilon | Rock 'n' Ball |
Cosmic Wars | Rockball |
Cosmo Police Galivan | Rocket Ranger |
Cosmos Cop | Rockin' Kats |
Cowboy Kid | Rocman X |
Crackout | Rod Land |
Crash 'n' the Boys : Street Challenge | Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball |
Crayon Shin-chan - Ora To Poi Poi | Rollerball |
Crazy Climber | Rollerblade Racer |
Creatom | Rollergames |
Crisis Force | Rolling Thunder |
Cross Fire | Romance of the Three Kingdoms |
Crystal Mines | Romancia |
Crystalis | Route-16 Turbo |
Cyber Stadium Series : Base Wars | Rpg Jinsei Game |
Cyberball | Rush'n Attack |
Cybernoid : The Fighting Machine | Rygar |
Cycle Race - Road Man | S.C.A.T. : Special Cybernetic Attack Team |
Dai Meiro - Meikyu No Tatsujin | Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen |
Daisenryaku | Saint Seiya - Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen |
Dance Aerobics | Sea Of Dreamland |
Dancing Blocks | Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise |
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat | Secret Ties |
Dark Lord | Section-Z |
Darkman | Seirei Gari |
Dash Galaxy In The Alien Asylum | Sesame Street : Big Bird's Hide & Speak |
David Crane's A Boy and His Blob - Trouble on Blobolonia | Sesame Street Countdown |
Day Dreamin Davey | Shadow of the Ninja |
Days of Thunder | Shadowgate |
Deadly Towers | Shatterhand |
Death Race | Shinobi |
Deathbots | Shockwave |
De-block | Shooting Range |
Decathlon | Shufflepuck Café |
Defender of the Crown | Side Pocket |
Defenders of Dynatron City | Silent Assault |
Déjà Vu | Silent Service |
Demon Sword | Silkworm |
Desert Commander | Silva Saga |
Destination Earthstar | Silver Surfer |
Destiny of an Emperor | Skate or Die |
Devil Man | Sky Destroyer |
Devil World | Sky Kid |
Dezaemon | Sky Shark |
Dick Tracy | Slalom |
Die Hard | Smash T.V. |
Dig Dug | Smurfs, The |
Digger : The Legend of the Lost City | Snake Rattle n Roll |
Dikki Paingun In - Tko For The Third Reich | Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular! |
Dirty Harry | Snow Brothers |
Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom | Soccer |
Disney's Beauty And The Beast | Soccer League - Winner's Cup |
Disney's Darkwing Duck | Solar Jetman : Hunt for the Golden Warpship |
Disney's DuckTales | Solitaire |
Disney's TaleSpin | Solomon's Key |
Disney's The Little Mermaid | Solstice : The Quest for the Staff of Demnos |
Dizzy the Adventurer | Somari The Adventurer |
Don Doko Don | Sonic The Hedgehog |
Donald Land | Sonson |
Dong Dong Nao II: Middle School English 1 | Space Harrier |
Donkey Kong Classics | Space Hunter |
Donkey Kong Jr. Math | Space Invaders |
Door Door | Space Shadow |
Doraemon | Space Shuttle Project |
Dou Zhi Pin Pan - Wisdom Boy | Spelunker |
Double Dare | Spider-Man : Return of the Sinister Six |
Double Dragon | Splatterhouse - Wanpaku Graffiti |
Double Dribble | Spot : The Video Game |
Dough Boy | Spy Hunter |
Downtown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku - Soreyuke Daiundoukai | Spy vs Spy |
D-pad Hero | Sqoon |
Dr. Chaos | Square No Tom Sawyer |
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Stack-Up |
Dr. Mario | Star Force |
Drac's Night Out | Star Luster |
Dragon Ball Z Gaiden - Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku | Star Soldier |
Dragon Buster | Star Trek : The Next Generation |
Dragon Fighter | Star Trek V : The Final Frontier |
Dragon Power | Star Voyager |
Dragon Scroll - Yomigaerishi Maryuu | Star Wars |
Dragon Spirit : The New Legend | Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back |
Dragon Warrior | Starship Hector |
Dragon Wars | StarTropics |
Dragon's Lair | Stealth ATF |
Dropzone | Stick Hunter - Exciting Ice Hockey |
Duck Hunt | Stinger |
Duck Maze | Strategist |
Dudes with Attitude | Street Cop |
Dungeon Magic : Sword of the Elements | Strider |
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball | Strike Wolf |
Dynamite Bowl | Stunt Kids |
Dynowarz : Destruction of Spondylus | Summer Carnival '92 - Recca |
Earthbound | Sunday Funday : The Ride |
Egger Land - Meikyuu No Fukkatsu | Sunman |
Egypt | Super Arabian |
Elevator Action | Super Black Onyx |
Eliminator Boat Duel | Super Cars |
Elite | Super Dodge Ball |
Elnark No Zaihou | Super Donkey Kong - Xiang Jiao Chuan |
Elysion | Super Donkey Kong 2 |
Esper Bouken Tai | Super Dyna'mix Badminton |
Excitebike | Super Glove Ball |
Exciting Boxing | Super Jeopardy! |
Exed Exes | Super Mario Bros. |
Exerion | Super Mario World |
Exodus : Journey To The Promised Land | Super Pinball |
F1 Circus | Super Pitfall |
F1 Race | Super Rugby |
F15 City War | Super Shinobi, The |
Family Fun Fitness : Stadium Events | Super Spike V' Ball |
Family Fun Fitness Athletic World | Super Sprint |
Fantasy Zone (Sunsoft) | Super Spy Hunter |
Faria : A World of Mystery & Danger! | Super Star Force - Jikuureki No Himitsu |
Faxanadu | Super Team Games |
Felix the Cat | Super Turrican |
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge | Super Xevious - Gamp No Nazo |
Fester's Quest | Superman |
Field Combat | Swamp Thing |
Fighting Hero | Sweet Home |
Fighting Road | Sword Master |
Final Fantasy | Swords and Serpents |
Final Fantasy 2 | Taboo : The Sixth Sense |
Final Lap | Tag Team Wrestling |
Fire Dragon | Taito Chase H.q. |
Fire Emblem Gaiden | Taiyou No Yuusha - Fighbird |
Fire Hawk | Target Renegade |
Fire 'n Ice | Tasac |
Fisher-Price : Perfect Fit | Tashiro Masashi No Princess Ga Ippai |
Fist of the North Star | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
Flappy | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Tournament Fighters |
Flight of the Intruder | Tennis |
Flipull - An Exciting Cube Game | Terra Cresta |
Flying Dragon : The Secret Scroll | Tetrastar - The Fighter |
Flying Hero | Tetris : The Soviet Mind Game |
Flying Warriors | Tetsuwan Atom |
Formation Z | The Addams Family |
Formula 1 Sensation | The Addams Family : Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt |
Formula One : Built to Win | The Adventures of Bayou Billy |
Fox's Peter Pan & the Pirates : The Revenge of Captain Hook | The Adventures of Dr. Franken |
Frankenstein : The Monster Returns | The Adventures of Gilligan's Island |
Free Fall | The Adventures Of Lex & Grim |
Freedom Force | The Adventures of Rad Gravity |
Friday the 13th | The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends |
Front Line | The Bard's Tale |
Fun House | The Battle of Olympus |
Fushigi No Umi No Nadia | The Blue Marlin |
Fuzzical Fighter | The Blues Brothers |
G.I. Joe : A Real American Hero | The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout |
G.I. Joe : The Atlantis Factor | The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle |
Galactic Crusader | The California Raisins: The Grape Escape |
Galaga : Demons of Death | The Chessmaster |
Galaxian | The Dragon |
Galaxy 5000 : Racing in the 51st Century | The Escape from Atlantis |
Game Party | The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy |
Garfield No Isshkan - A Week Of Garfield | The Flintstones : The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy |
Garou Densetsu Special | The Great Waldo Search |
Garry Kitchen's BattleTank | The Great Wall |
Gauntlet | The Guardian Legend |
Geimos | The Hacker |
Gemfire | The Hunt for Red October |
Genghis Khan | The Immortal |
Ghost Lion | The Incredible Crash Dummies |
Ghostbusters | The Jetsons : Cogswell's Caper! |
Ghosts 'n Goblins | The Jungle Book |
Ghoul School | The Karate Kid |
Gluk The Thunder Warrior | The Krion Conquest |
Goal! | The Last Starfighter |
Godzilla : Monster of Monsters | The Legend of Kage |
Goonies, The | The Legend of Robin Hood |
Gorby No Pipeline Daisakusen | The Legend of Zelda |
Gotcha! : The Sport! | The Lone Ranger |
Gradius | The Miracle Piano Teaching System |
Gradius 2 | The Mutant Virus : Crisis in a Computer World |
Grand Master | The Punisher |
Great Battle Cyber | The Rocketeer |
Great Deal | The Simpsons : Bart vs. the Space Mutants |
Guerrilla War | The Simpsons : Bart vs. the World |
Gumshoe | The Simpsons : Bartman Meets Radioactive Man |
Gun Nac | The Terminator |
Gun.Smoke | The Three Stooges |
Gyrodine | The Ultimate Stuntman |
Gyromite | The Uncanny X-Men |
Gyruss | The Untouchables |
Hammerin' Harry | Thexder |
Harlem Globetrotters | Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends |
Harry's Legend | Thunder & Lightning |
Hatris | Thunderbirds |
Heavy Barrel | Thundercade |
Heavy Shreddin' | Tiger-Heli |
Hello Kitty World | Tiles of Fate |
Hero Quest | Time Diver : Eon Man |
Hi No Tori - Gaou No Bouken | Time Lord |
High Speed | Time Zone |
Hikari no Senshi Photon - The Ultimate Game on Planet Earth | Times of Lore |
Hit the Ice : VHL, The Video Hockey League | Tiny Toon Adventures |
Hogan's Alley | Tiny Toon Adventures 2 : Trouble in Wackyland |
Hollywood Squares | Titan |
Holy Diver | Titan Warriors |
Home Alone | To the Earth |
Honoo No Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei | Toki |
Hook | Tokoro-san No Mamoru Mo Semeru Mo |
Hoops | Tombs & Treasure |
Hoppin' Mad | Toobin' |
Hottaman No Chitei Tanken | Top Gun |
Huang Di - Zhuolu Zhi Zhan | Total Recall |
Hudson Hawk | Totally Rad |
Huge Insect | Touch Down Fever |
Hyaku No Sekai No Monogatari - The Tales On A Watery Wilderness | Tower Of Druaga, The |
Hydlide | Toxic Crusaders |
Hyper Sports | Transformers - Convoy no Nazo |
Ice Climber | Treasure Master |
Ice Hockey | Triathron, The |
Image Fight | Trog! |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | Trojan |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | Trolls In Crazyland, The |
Infiltrator | Trolls on Treasure Island |
Insector X | Twin Cobra |
International Cricket | Twin Eagle |
Iron Tank : The Invasion of Normandy | Twinbee |
Isolated Warrior | Uchuu Keibitai Sdf |
J.league Winning Goal | U-four-ia - The Saga |
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Champion | Ultima : Exodus |
Jackal | Ultima : Quest of the Avatar |
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu | Ultima : Warriors of Destiny |
James Bond Jr | Ultimate Air Combat |
Jaws | Ultimate Basketball |
Jeopardy! | Ultimate League Soccer |
Jeopardy! Junior Edition | Uncharted Waters |
Jesus - Kyoufu No Bio Monster | Uninvited |
Jimmy Connors Tennis | Universe Soldiers, The |
Joe & Mac | Urban Champion |
John Elway's Quarterback | Utsurun Desu |
Jordan vs Bird : One On One | Valkyrie No Bouken - Toki No Kagi Densetsu |
Joshua & the Battle of Jericho | Vegas Dream |
Journey to Silius | Venice Beach Volleyball |
Journey To The West | Vice : Project Doom |
Joust | Videomation |
Jovial Race | Vindicators |
Joy Mech Fight | Volleyball |
Jumpin' Kid - Jack To Mame No Ki Monogatari | Wacky Races |
Jurassic Park | Wall Street Kid |
Just Breed | Wally Bear and the No! Gang |
Juuouki | Wario's Woods |
Kaguya Hime Densetsu | Warpman |
Kaijuu Monogatari | Wayne Gretzky Hockey |
Karate Champ | Wayne's World |
Kart Fighter | WCW World Championship Wrestling |
Kekkyoku Nankyoku Daibouken | Werewolf : The Last Warrior |
Kero Kero Keroppi No Daibouken | Wheel of Fortune |
Kick Off | Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? |
Kickle Cubicle | Who Framed Roger Rabbit |
KickMaster | Whomp 'Em |
Kid Icarus | Widget |
Kid Klown in Night Mayor World | Wild Gunman |
Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs | Willow |
Kid Niki : Radical Ninja | Win, Lose or Draw |
Kidou Senshi Z Gundam - Hot Scramble | Winter Games |
King Kong 2 - Ikari No Megaton Punch | Wit's |
King Neptune's Adventure | Wizardry : Knight of Diamonds, The Second Scenario |
King Of Kings | Wizards & Warriors |
King's Knight | Wolverine |
Kings of the Beach : Professional Beach Volleyball | Woody Poko |
King's Quest V | World Champ : Super Boxing Great Fight |
Kirby's Adventure | World Class Track Meet |
Kiteretsu Daihyakka | World Games |
KlashBall | World Hero |
Knight Rider | World Of Card Games, The |
Konami Hyper Soccer | Wrath of the Black Manta |
Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden | Wrecking Crew |
Krazy Kreatures | Wurm : Journey to the Center of the Earth! |
Krusty's Fun House | Xenophobe |
Kujaku Ou | Xevious : The Avenger |
Kung Fu | Yoshi |
Kung-Fu Heroes | Yoshi's Cookie |
Kunio-kun No Nekketsu Soccer League | Youkai Club |
Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger | Youkai Douchuuki |
Labyrinth | Ys |
Laser Invasion | Yume Penguin Monogatari |
Last Action Hero | Zanac |
Layla | Zelda II : The Adventure of Link |
Legacy of the Wizard | Zen : Intergalactic Ninja |
Legend Of Prince Valiant, The | Zhuang Qiu Chuan Shuo Hua Zhuang 2 - Ball Story |
Legendary Wings | Zippy Race |
Legends of the Diamond : The Baseball Championship Game | Zombie Hunter |
Lemmings | Zombie Nation |
Nintendo DS - 50 Jogos
Ben 10 : Alien Force | Mega Man Zx |
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow | Metal Slug 7 |
Chrono Trigger | Meteos |
Classic Action - Devilish | Metroid Prime : Hunters |
Contra 4 | Monster Tale |
Dragon Ball - Origins | New Super Mario Bros. |
Dragon Quest IX - Sentinels of the Starry Skies | Nintendogs |
Elite Beat Agents | Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan |
Ferrari Challenge - Trofeo Pirelli | Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney |
Final Fantasy IV | Pokémon Black Version 2 |
Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon | Pokémon White Version |
Ghost Trick : Phantom Detective | Professor Layton and the Curious Village |
Golden Sun : Dark Dawn | Radiant Historia |
Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars | Sonic Rush Adventure |
Kirby Super Star Ultra | Speed Racer: The Videogame |
LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes | Super Mario 64 DS |
LEGO Star Wars : The Complete Saga | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - Mutant Nightmare |
Lunar Knights | Tennis Elbow |
Mario & Luigi : Bowser's Inside Story | That's So Raven - Psychic on the Scene |
Mario & Luigi : Partners in Time | The Legend of Zelda : Phantom Hourglass |
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games | Trauma Center - Under the Knife |
Mario Kart DS | Viva Pinata : Pocket Paradise |
Mario Party DS | WarioWare: Do It Yourself |
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! | Yoshi's Island Ds |
Super Nintendo - 932 Jogos
3 Ninjas Kick Back | NBA Live 97 |
90 Minutes - European Prime Goal | NBA Live 98 |
A.S.P. : Air Strike Patrol | NBA Showdown |
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters | NCAA Basketball |
ABC Monday Night Football | NCAA Final Four Basketball |
Accele Brid | NCAA Football |
ACME Animation Factory | Network Q Rally |
Acrobat Mission | Neugier - Umi To Kaze No Kodo |
Action Pachio | Newman Haas IndyCar featuring Nigel Mansell |
ActRaiser 1 | NFL Football |
ActRaiser 2 | NFL Quarterback Club |
Addams Family Values | NFL Quarterback Club 96 |
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : Eye of the Beholder | NHL '94 |
Adventures of Yogi Bear | NHL 95 |
Aero Fighters | NHL 96 |
Aero the Acro-Bat | NHL 97 |
Aerobiz | NHL 98 |
Aerobiz Supersonic | NHL Stanley Cup |
Aim for the Ace! | NHLPA Hockey 93 |
Air Cavalry | Nickelodeon GUTS |
Al Unser Jr.'s Road to the Top | Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing |
Aladdin | Nightmare Busters |
Alcahest | Ninja Gaiden Trilogy |
Alien 3 | Ninjawarriors |
Alien Versus Predator | No Escape |
Amazing Spider-man - Lethal Foes, The | Nobunaga's Ambition |
American Battle Dome | Nolan Ryan's Baseball |
Andre Agassi Tennis | Norse by Norsewest : The Return of the Lost Viking |
Animaniacs | Nosferatu |
Apocalypse II | Obitus |
Araiguma Rascal | Ogre Battle : The March of the Black Queen |
Arcade's Greatest Hits : The Atari Collection 1 | Olympic Summer Games |
Arcana | On the Ball |
Archer Maclean's Super Dropzone | Operation Europe : Path to Victory 1939-45 |
Arcus Odyssey | Operation Logic Bomb : The Ultimate Search & Destroy |
Ardy Lightfoot | Operation Thunderbolt |
Arkanoid - Doh It Again | Oscar |
Art of Fighting | Out of This World |
Ashita No Joe | Out to Lunch |
Astérix | Outlander |
Astérix & Obélix | P.T.O. : Pacific Theater of Operations |
Axelay | P.T.O. II : Pacific Theater of Operations |
B.O.B. | Pac-Attack |
Bahamut Lagoon | Pac-In-Time |
Ball Bullet Gun | Packy & Marlon |
Ballz 3D : Fighting at Its Ballziest | Pac-Man 2 : The New Adventures |
Barbie Super Model | Paladin's Quest |
Barbie Vacation Adventure | Panel de Pon |
Barkley Shut Up and Jam! | Panic In Nakayoshi World |
Bass Masters Classic | Paperboy 2 |
Bass Masters Classic : Pro Edition | Parodius |
Bassin's Black Bass | PGA European Tour |
Bastard!! | PGA Tour 96 |
Batman : Revenge of the Joker | PGA Tour Golf |
Batman Forever | Phalanx |
Battle Blaze | Phantom 2040 |
Battle Cars | Picachu |
Battle Dodge Ball - Toukyuu Daigekitotsu! | Pieces |
Battle Dodge Ball 2 | Pilotwings |
Battle Master - Kyuukyoku No Senshi-tachi | Pinball Dreams |
Battle Pinball | Pink Goes to Hollywood |
Battle Soccer - Field No Hasha | Pinocchio |
Battle Soccer 2 | Pipe Dream |
Battletoads & Double Dragon | Pitfall : The Mayan Adventure |
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs | Pit-Fighter |
Bazooka Blitzkrieg | Plok |
Beauty and the Beast | Pocky & Rocky |
Beavis and Butt-Head | Pocky & Rocky 2 |
Bebe's Kids | Pokémon Stadium |
Beethoven : The Ultimate Canine Caper! | Popeye |
Best of the Best : Championship Karate | Pop'n Twinbee |
Big Sky Trooper | Pop'n Twinbee Rainbow Bell Adventure |
Bike Daisuki! Hashiriya Tamashii | Populous |
Biker Mice from Mars | Populous II : Trials of the Olympian Gods |
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball | Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday |
Bill Walsh College Football | Power Drive |
BioMetal | Power Instinct |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R | Power Monger |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S - Kondo Wa Puzzle De Oshioki Yo! | Power Moves |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S - Kurukkurin | Power Piggs of the Dark Age |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S - Fuwa Fuwa Panic | Power Rangers Zeo : Battle Racers |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S - Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku Soudatsusen | Prehistorik Man |
Blackthorne | Primal Rage |
BlaZeon : The Bio-Cyborg Challenge | Prime |
Bomber Man B-daman | Prince of Persia |
Bonkers | Prince of Persia 2 |
Boogerman : A Pick and Flick Adventure | Pro Quarterback |
Boxing Legends of the Ring | Pro Sport Hockey |
Brain Lord | Psycho Dream |
Bram Stoker's Dracula | Push-Over |
Brandish | Putty Squad |
Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster | Q*bert 3 |
Brawl Brothers | Race Drivin' |
BreakThru! | Radical Dreamers |
Breath of Fire | Radical Psycho Machine Racing |
Breath of Fire II | Radical Rex |
Brett Hull Hockey | Raiden Trad |
Brett Hull Hockey 95 | Rampart |
Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus | Ranma 1/2 - Akanekodan Teki Hihou |
Brunswick World Tournament of Champions | Ranma 1/2 : Hard Battle |
Brutal : Paws of Fury | Rap Jam : Volume One |
BS F-Zero Grand Prix 2 | Realm |
Bs Zelda No Densetsu | Redline F-1 Racer |
Bubsy II | Relief Pitcher |
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind | Rendering Ranger R2 |
Bugs Bunny : Rabbit Rampage | Revolution X |
Bust-A-Move | Rex Ronan : Experimental Surgeon |
Cacoma Knight in Bizyland | RHI Roller Hockey '95 |
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball | Riddick Bowe Boxing |
California Games II | Rise of the Robots |
Cannon Fodder | Rival Turf! |
Cannondale Cup | River City Girls Zero |
Capcom's MVP Football | Road Riot 4WD |
Capcom's Soccer Shootout | Road Runner's Death Valley Rally |
Captain America and the Avengers | RoboCop 3 |
Captain Commando | RoboCop versus The Terminator |
Captain Novolin | Robotrek |
Captain Tsubasa 3 - Koutei No Chousen | Rock N' Roll Racing |
Captain Tsubasa 5 - Hasha No Shougou Campione | Rockman And Forte |
Carrier Aces | Rocko's Modern Life : Spunky's Dangerous Day |
Casper | Rocky Rodent |
Castlevania : Dracula X | Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball |
Champions : World Class Soccer | Romance of the Three Kingdoms II |
Championship Pool | Romance of the Three Kingdoms III : Dragon of Destiny |
Championship Soccer '94 | Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV : Wall of Fire |
Chester Cheetah : Too Cool to Fool | Romancing Saga 3 |
Chester Cheetah : Wild Wild Quest | Ronaldinho Soccer 97 |
Choplifter III : Rescue-Survive | Rpg Tsukuru - Super Dante |
Chou Aniki - Bakuretsu Rantou Hen | Rpg Tsukuru 2 |
Chou Mahou Tairiku Wozz | R-Type III |
Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Scrambled Valkyrie | Rudra No Hihou |
Chrono Trigger | Run Saber |
Chuck Rock | Ryuu Kihei Dan Danzarubu |
Clay Fighter : Tournament Edition | Ryuuko no Ken 2 |
Claymates | S.O.S : Sink or Swim |
Cliffhanger | Sailor Moon |
Clock Tower | Samurai Shodown |
Clue | Sanrio World Smash Ball! |
College Football USA 97 | Saturday Night Slam Masters |
College Slam | Scooby-Doo Mystery |
Columns | Sd Hiryuu No Ken |
Congo : The Movie, Secret of Zinj | SeaQuest DSV |
Congo's Caper | Secret of Evermore |
Contra III : The Alien Wars | Secret of Mana |
Cool Spot | Sengoku Denshou |
Cool World | Shanghai - Banri No Choujou |
Corn Buster | Shanghai II : Dragon's Eye |
Cosmo Gang - The Puzzle | Shaq Fu |
Cosmo Gang - The Video | Shien's Revenge |
Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi O Yobu Enji | Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Endless Duel |
Cu-on-pa Sfc | Shin Megami Tensei |
Cutthroat Island | Shin Megami Tensei 2 |
Cyber Knight | Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun |
Cyber Knight 2 - Chikyuu Teikoku No Yabou | Sid Meier's Civilization |
Cyber Spin | Side Pocket |
Cybernator | Sim Ant: The Electronic Ant Colony |
Cyborg 009 | SimCity |
Daffy Duck : The Marvin Missions | SimCity 2000 : The Ultimate City Simulator |
Dai-3-ji Super Robot Taisen | SimEarth : The Living Planet |
Darius Twin | Skuljagger : Revolt of the Westicans |
Dark Law - The Meaning Of Death | Skyblazer |
David Crane's Amazing Tennis | Smart Ball |
Daze Before Christmas | Smash Tennis |
Demolition Man | Smurfs Travel The World, The |
Demon's Crest | Smurfs, The |
Dennis the Menace | Snake Blasters |
Der Langrisser | Snoopy Concert |
Desert Strike : Return to the Gulf | Snow White in Happily Ever After |
D-Force | Soldiers of Fortune |
Dig & Spike Volleyball | Sonic Blast Man |
Dino City | Sonic Blast Man II |
Dino Dini's Soccer | Sonic The Hedgehog 4 |
Dirt Racer | SOS |
Dirt Trax FX | Soul Blade |
Donald Duck No Mahou No Boushi | Soul Blazer |
Donkey Kong Country 1 | Space Ace |
Donkey Kong Country 2 | Space Football : One on One |
Donkey Kong Country 3 | Space Invaders |
Doom | Space Megaforce |
Doom Troopers : Mutant Chronicles | Spanky's Quest |
Doomsday Warrior | Sparkster |
Do-re-mi Fantasy - Milon No Dokidoki Daibouken | Special Tee Shot |
Dossun ! Ganseki Battle | Spectre |
Dragon : The Bruce Lee Story | Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures |
Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension | Speedy Gonzales : Los Gatos Bandidos |
Dragon Ball Z - Super Saiya Densetsu | SpellCraft : Aspects of Valor |
Dragon Ball Z Super Butouden | Spider-Man |
Dragon Ball Z Super Gokuden - Kakusei Hen | Spider-Man & Venom : Maximum Carnage |
Dragon Quest 1 And 2 | Spider-Man & X-Men : Arcade's Revenge |
Dragon Quest 3 - Soshite Densetsu E... | Spindizzy Worlds |
Dragon Quest 5 - Tenkuu No Hanayome | Spirou |
Dragon Quest 6 - Maboroshi No Daichi | Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball |
Dragon View | Spriggan Powered |
Dragon's Lair | Star Fox |
Drakkhen | Star Fox : Super Weekend |
Dream Maze - Kigurumi Daibouken | Star Fox 2 |
Dream T.V. | Star Ocean |
Dual Orb 2 | Star Trek, Deep Space Nine : Crossroads of Time |
E.V.O. : Search for Eden | Star Trek, Starfleet Academy : Starship Bridge Simulator |
Earth Defense Force | Star Trek, The Next Generation : Future's Past |
EarthBound | Stargate |
Earthworm Jim | Steel Talons |
Earthworm Jim 2 | Sterling Sharpe : End 2 End |
Eek! The Cat | Steven Seagal Is The Final Option |
Elite Soccer | Stone Protectors |
Emerald Dragon | Street Combat |
Equinox | Street Racer |
ESPN Baseball Tonight | Street Sports - Jammit |
ESPN National Hockey Night | Street Sports : Street Hockey '95 |
ESPN Speedworld | Strike Gunner S.T.G |
ESPN Sunday Night NFL | Stunt Race FX |
Eurit | Sunset Riders |
Extra Innings | Super 3D Noah's Ark |
F1 Pole Position | Super Adventure Island |
F1 Pole Position 2 | Super Adventure Island II |
F1 ROC II: Race of Champions | Super Alfred Chicken |
F1 World Championship Edition | Super Baseball 2020 |
Faceball 2000 | Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 |
Famicom Tantei Club Part II - Ushiro ni Tatsu Shou | Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 2 |
Fatal Fury | Super Bases Loaded |
Fatal Fury 2 | Super Bases Loaded 2 |
Fatal Fury Special | Super Bases Loaded 3 : License to Steal |
Feda - The Emblem Of Justice | Super Batter Up |
FIFA : A Caminho Da Copa 98 | Super Battleship |
FIFA International Soccer | Super Battletank 2 |
FIFA Soccer 96 | Super Black Bass |
FIFA Soccer 97 | Super Bomberman - Panic Bomber W |
Fighter's History | Super Bomberman 2 |
Final Fantasy 2 | Super Bomberman 3 |
Final Fantasy 3 | Super Bomberman 4 |
Final Fantasy 4 | Super Bomberman 5 |
Final Fantasy 5 | Super Bonk |
Final Fight | Super Bowling |
Final Fight 2 | Super Buster Bros. |
Final Fight Guy | Super Caesars Palace |
Fire Emblem - Monshô No Nazo | Super Castlevania IV |
Firepower 2000 | Super Chase H.Q. |
FireStriker | Super Conflict |
Fireteam Rogue | Super Dany |
First Samurai | Super Double Dragon |
Flashback : The Quest for Identity | Super Fire Pro Wrestling - Queen's Special |
Football Fury | Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium |
Foreman for Real | Super Genjin 2 |
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball | Super Ghouls'n Ghosts |
Frantic Flea | Super Goal! 2 |
Frogger | Super Gussun Oyoyo 2 |
Front Mission | Super High Impact |
Full Throttle : All-American Racing | Super Ice Hockey |
Fun 'n Games | Super International Cricket |
Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler - Tougi Denshou | Super James Pond |
Fushigi No Dungeon 2 - Fuurai No Shiren | Super Loopz |
Futebol Brasileiro 95 | Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World |
Futebol Brasileiro 99 | Super Mario Kart |
F-Zero | Super Mario RPG : Legend of the Seven Stars |
Gamars Puzzle | Super Mario World |
Ganbare! Daiku No Gen-san | Super Metroid |
Ganpuru - Gunman's Proof | Super Morph |
Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank : War in the Gulf | Super Nazo Puyo - Ruru No Tetsuwan Hanjyouki |
Gegege No Kitarou - Fukkatsu! Tenma Daiou | Super Nova |
Gekitou Burning Pro Wrestling | Super Off Road |
Gemfire | Super Off Road : The Baja |
Genghis Khan II : Clan of the Gray Wolf | Super Pinball 2 - The Amazing Odyssey |
Genocide 2 | Super Play Action Football |
George Foreman's KO Boxing | Super Putty |
Ghoul Patrol | Super Puyo Puyo |
Go Go Ackman | Super R.B.I. Baseball |
Go Go Ackman 2 | Super R-Type |
Go Go Ackman 3 | Super Scope 6 |
Goal! | Super Shadow of the Beast |
Godzilla - Kaijuu Daikessen | Super Slam Dunk |
Gokujou Parodius | Super Slap Shot |
Goof Troop | Super Smash T.V. |
Gourmet Warriors | Super Soccer |
GP-1 | Super Soccer Champ |
GP-1 Part II | Super Solitaire |
Gradius III | Super Star Wars |
Great Battle 2 - Last Fighter Twin, The | Super Star Wars : Return of the Jedi |
GunForce : Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island | Super Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back |
Hagane : The Final Conflict | Super Strike Eagle |
HAL's Hole in One Golf | Super Tennis |
Hameln No Violin Hiki | Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss |
Hammer Lock Wrestling | Super Troll Islands |
Harley's Humongous Adventure | Super Turrican |
Harvest Moon | Super Turrican 2 |
Head-On Soccer | Super Valis IV |
Hebereke's Popoitto | Super Widget |
Hebereke's Popoon | Suzuka 8 Hours |
Heisei Inu Monogatari Bow - Pop'n Smash!! | SWAT Kats : The Radical Squadron |
Heracles No Eikou 3 Kamigami No Chinmoku | Syndicate |
Hiouden - Mamono-tachi To No Chikai | Syvalion |
Hit the Ice : VHL, The Official Video Hockey League | T2 : The Arcade Game |
Hokuto No Ken 6 | Tales Of Phantasia |
Hokuto No Ken 7 | Tecmo Secret of the Stars |
Holy Umbrella - Dondera No Mubo | Tecmo Super Baseball |
Home Alone | Tecmo Super Bowl |
Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York | Tecmo Super Bowl II : Special Edition |
Home Improvement : Power Tool Pursuit! | Tecmo Super Bowl III : Final Edition |
Honoo No Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei | Tecmo Super NBA Basketball |
Hook | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Tournament Fighters |
Humans | Tekken 2 |
Hungry Dinosaurs | Tenchi Muyou ! Game-hen |
Hurricanes | Terminator 2 : Judgment Day |
Hyper V-Ball | Terranigma |
Illusion of Gaia | Tetris & Dr. Mario |
Imperium | Tetris 2 |
Inazuma Serve Da! Super Beach Volley | Tetris Attack |
Incantation | The 7th Saga |
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures | The Addams Family |
Inindo : Way of the Ninja | The Addams Family : Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt |
Inspector Gadget | The Adventures of Batman & Robin |
International Superstar Soccer | The Adventures of Dr. Franken |
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe | The Adventures of Kid Kleets |
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe | The Adventures of Mighty Max |
International Tennis Tour | The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends |
Iron Commando | The Blues Brothers |
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings | The Brainies |
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings : Volume 1 | The Combatribes |
Jack Nicklaus Golf | The Death and Return of Superman |
Jaki Crush | The Duel : Test Drive II |
Jaleco Rally - Big Run - The Supreme 4wd Challenge | The Firemen |
James Bond Jr | The Flintstones |
James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish | The Flintstones : The Treasure of Sierra Madrock |
Jelly Boy | The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie |
Jelly Boy 2 | The Great Waldo Search |
Jeopardy! | The Hunt for Red October |
Jeopardy! : Deluxe Edition | The Ignition Factor |
Jeopardy! : Sports Edition | The Incredible Crash Dummies |
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius | The Incredible Hulk |
Jikkyou Power Pro Wrestling '96 - Max Voltage | The Irem Skins Game |
Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S : Covert-Action-Teams | The Itchy & Scratchy Game |
Jim Power : The Lost Dimension in 3D | The Jetsons : Invasion of the Planet Pirates |
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour | The Jungle Book |
Jimmy Houston's Bass Tournament U.S.A. | The Lawnmower Man |
Joe & Mac | The Legend of the Mystical Ninja |
Joe & Mac 2 : Lost in the Tropics | The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past |
John Madden Football | The Lion King |
Judge Dredd | The Lost Vikings |
Jungle Strike | The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse |
Jurassic Park | The Mask |
Jurassic Park Part 2 : The Chaos Continues | The Pagemaster |
Justice League Task Force | The Peace Keepers |
Jutei Senki | The Pirates of Dark Water |
Jwp Joshi Pro Wres - Pure Wrestle Queens | The Ren & Stimpy Show : Buckeroo$! |
Ka-blooey | The Ren & Stimpy Show : Fire Dogs |
Kamen Rider | The Ren & Stimpy Show : Time Warp |
Kamen Rider Sd - Shutsugeki!! Rider Machine | The Rocketeer |
Kat's Run - Zen-nihon K-car Senshuken | The Shadow |
Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge | The Simpsons : Bart's Nightmare |
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge | The Sporting News Baseball |
Keeper | The Super Aquatic Games Starring the Aquabats |
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run | The Terminator |
Kendo Rage | The Tick |
Kevin Keegan's Player Manager | The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang |
Kick Off | The Untouchables |
Kick Off 3 - European Challenge | The Wizard of Oz |
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase | Theme Park |
Kidou Butoden G Gundam | Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends |
Kidou Senshi Gundam - Cross Dimension 0079 | Thunder Spirits |
Kidou Senshi V Gundam | Time Slip |
Killer Instinct | Time Trax |
King Arthur & The Knights of Justice | Timecop |
King of Dragons | Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games |
King of the Monsters | Tin Star |
Kirby No Omochabako - Baseball | Tinhead |
Kirby Super Star | Tintin : Prisoners of the Sun |
Kirby's Avalanche | Tintin In Tibet |
Kirby's Dream Course | Tiny Toon Adventures : Buster Busts Loose! |
Kirby's Dream Land 3 | Tiny Toon Adventures : Wacky Sports Challenge |
Kishin Douji Zenki - Battle Raiden | TKO Super Championship Boxing |
Knights of the Round | TNN Bass Tournament of Champions |
Kouryuu No Mimi | Todd McFarlane's Spawn : The Video Game |
Krusty's Super Fun House | Tom and Jerry |
Kunio-kun no Dodge Ball da yo - Zenin Shūgo | Tommy Moe's Winter Extreme : Skiing and Snowboarding |
Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy | Tony Meola's Sidekicks Soccer |
Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing | Top Gear |
Lagoon | Top Gear 2 |
Lamborghini American Challenge | Torneko No Daibouken - Fushigi No Dungeon |
Laplace No Ma | Toy Story |
Last Action Hero | Toys : Let the Toy Wars begin! |
Legend | Treasure Hunter G |
Lemmings | Trials of Mana |
Lennus 2 - Fuuin No Shito | Troddlers |
Lester the Unlikely | Troy Aikman NFL Football |
Lethal Enforcers | True Golf Classics : Pebble Beach Golf Links |
Lethal Weapon | True Golf Classics : Waialae Country Club |
Liberty or Death | True Golf Classics : Wicked 18 |
Little Magic | True Lies |
Live A Live | Tuff E Nuff |
Lock On | Turbo Toons |
Looney Tunes B-Ball | Turn and Burn : No-Fly Zone |
Lord of Darkness | U.N. Squadron |
Lucky Luke | Uch No Kishi - Tekkaman Blade |
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom | Ultima : Runes of Virtue II |
Madden NFL '94 | Ultima : The Black Gate |
Madden NFL 95 | Ultima : The False Prophet |
Madden NFL 96 | Ultimate Fighter |
Madden NFL 97 | Ultra Baseball Jitsumei Ban |
Madden NFL 98 | Ultraman |
Madou Monogatari - Hanamaru Daiyouchienji | Umihara Kawase |
Magic Boy | Uncharted Waters |
Magic Sword | Uncharted Waters 2 : New Horizons |
Magical Drop | Undercover Cops |
Magical Pop'n | Uniracers |
Magna Braban - Henreki No Yusha | Universal Soldier |
Mahou Kishi Rayearth | Urban Strike |
Majyuuou | Utopia : The Creation of a Nation |
Manchester United Championship Soccer | Vegas Stakes |
Marchen Adventure Cotton 100% | Venom & Spider-Man : Separation Anxiety |
Mario Is Missing! | Virtual Bart |
Mario Paint | Virtual Soccer |
Mario To Wario | Vortex |
Mario's Early Years : Fun with Letters | Vs. Collection |
Mario's Early Years : Fun with Numbers | War 2410 |
Mario's Early Years : Preschool Fun | War 3010 : The Revolution |
Mario's Time Machine | Warlock |
Mark Davis' The Fishing Master | WarpSpeed |
Marko's Magic Football | Waterworld |
Marvel Super Heroes - War of the Gems | Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars |
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein | Wayne's World |
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow | WCW Super Brawl Wrestling |
Mecarobot Golf | WeaponLord |
MechWarrior | We're Back! : A Dinosaur's Story |
MechWarrior 3050 | Wheel of Fortune : Deluxe Edition |
Mega Man 7 | Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego |
Mega Man X | Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? |
Mega Man X2 | Whirlo |
Mega Man X3 | Whizz |
Megalomania | Wild Guns |
Metal Marines | Wild Snake |
Metal Max Returns | Wile E Coyote's Revenge |
Metal Morph | Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits |
Metal Warriors | Wing Commander |
Michael Andretti's IndyCar Challenge | Wing Commander : The Secret Missions |
Michael Jordan : Chaos in the Windy City | Wings 2 : Aces High |
Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators | Winter Gold |
Mickey Mania : The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse | Winter Olympic Games : Lillehammer '94 |
Mickey To Donald - Magical Adventure 3 | Wizardry I-ii-iii - Story Of Llylgamyn |
Mickey's Playtown Adventure : A Day of Discovery! | Wolfchild |
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge | Wolfenstein 3D |
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament | Wolverine : Adamantium Rage |
Might And Magic 2 - Gates To Another World | Wonder Project J |
Might and Magic III : Isles of Terra | Wordtris |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers | World Class Rugby |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Fighting Edition | World Cup USA 94 |
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Movie | World Heroes |
Miracle Girls - Tomomi To Mikage No Miracle World Adventure | World Heroes 2 |
MLBPA Baseball | World League Soccer |
Mohawk & Headphone Jack | World Masters Golf |
Monopoly | Worms |
Monstania | WWF Raw |
Mr. Bloopy : Saves the World | WWF Royal Rumble |
Mr. Do! | WWF Super Wrestlemania |
Mr. Nutz | Xardion |
Mr. Tuff | X-Kaliber 2097 |
Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing | X-Men : Mutant Apocalypse |
Musya : The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror | X-Men vs. Street Fighter |
Mystic Ark | Yoshi's Cookie |
Nangoku Shounen Papuwa-kun | Yoshi's Safari |
Natsume Championship Wrestling | Young Merlin |
NBA All-Star Challenge | Ys 4 - Mask Of The Sun |
NBA Give 'n Go | Yu Yu Hakusho 2 - Kakutou No Shou |
NBA Hang Time | Yu Yu Hakusho Final |
NBA Jam | Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel |
NBA Jam : Tournament Edition | Zombies Ate My Neighbors |
NBA Live 95 | Zool : Ninja of the 'Nth' Dimension |
NBA Live 96 | Zoop |
Nintendo 64 - 40 Jogos
Banjo-Kazooie | Ridge Racer 64 |
Batman Beyond | San Francisco Rush |
Carmageddon 64 | Scooby-Doo! |
Castlevania | Snowboard Kids |
Cruis'n World | Snowboard Kids 2 |
Donkey Kong 64 | Spider-Man |
Duke Nukem : Zero Hour | Star Fox 64 |
Duke Nukem 64 | Super Mario 64 |
ECW Hardcore Revolution | Tarzan |
Extreme-G | The Legend of Zelda : Majora's Mask |
F-Zero X | The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time |
Gex 64 : Enter the Gecko | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 |
Hydro Thunder | Turok : Dinosaur Hunter |
Mario Kart 64 | Turok : Rage Wars |
Mario Party | Turok 2 : Seeds Of Evil |
Mario Party 2 | Turok 3 : Shadow of Oblivion |
Mario Party 3 | V-Rally Edition '99 |
Mortal Kombat 4 | Wave Race 64 |
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon | WinBack : Covert Operations |
Quest 64 | WipEout 64 |
PlayStation 1 - 59 Jogos
007 : The World Is Not Enough | Gran Turismo 2 (Arcade Mode) |
007 : Tomorrow Never Dies | Harvest Moon : Back to Nature |
007 Racing | Heart of Darkness |
Alien Resurrection | Hydro Thunder |
Alundra | Jet Moto |
Bomberman : Party Edition | Medal of Honor |
C : The Contra Adventure | Medal of Honor : Underground |
Castlevania : Symphony of the Night | Mortal Kombat 4 |
Castlevania Chronicles | Mortal Kombat Mythologies : Sub-Zero |
Colin McRae Rally | Moto Racer |
Contra : Legacy of War | Motor Toon Grand Prix |
Crash Bandicoot | Pocket Fighter |
Crash Bandicoot : Warped | R-Type Delta |
Crash Bash | Silent Hill |
Crash Team Racing | Sol Divide |
Dead or Alive | Soul Blade |
Demolition Racer | Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha |
Destruction Derby | Street Fighter EX2 Plus |
Digimon World | Strider 2 |
Dino Crisis | Strikers 1945 |
Disney-Pixar Toy Story Racer | Syphon Filter |
Dragon Ball : Final Bout | Tekken |
Driver : You Are the Wheelman | Tekken 2 |
Driver 2 | Tekken 3 |
Duke Nukem : Time To Kill | Tomb Raider |
Fatal Fury : Wild Ambition | Twisted Metal |
G. Darius | Twisted Metal 2 |
Gex | Vigilante 8 |
Gran Turismo | Wipeout 3 - Special Edition |
PlayStation Portátil PSP -59 Jogos
300 - March to Glory | Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing |
Air Conflicts : Aces of World War II | Juiced Eliminator |
Alien Syndrome | Justice League Heroes |
Aliens Versus Predator : Requiem | Kao Challengers |
Astérix & Obélix XXL 2 | LittleBigPlanet |
Astonishia Story | Mega Man - Maverick Hunter X (USA) |
ATV Offroad Fury Pro | Metal Slug XX |
Beowulf - The Game | Miami Vice : The Game |
BlazBlue : Calamity Trigger Portable | ModNation Racers |
BlazBlue : Continuum Shift II | Monster Jam : Path of Destruction |
Bleach : Heat the Soul | Monster Jam : Urban Assault |
Burnout Legends | Mortal Kombat : Unchained |
Cars | Need for Speed - Most Wanted - 5-1-0 (US) |
Castlevania : The Dracula X Chronicles | Pac-Man Rally |
Crash Tag Team Racing | Pinball Hall of Fame : The Williams Collection |
Crisis Core : Final Fantasy VII | Pro Evolution Soccer 6 |
Dead Head Fred | Ridge Racer |
Dragon Ball Evolution | Sega Rally Revo |
Dragon Ball Z : Shin Budokai | SoulCalibur : Broken Destiny |
Dragon Ball Z : Tenkaichi Tag Team | Spectral vs Generation |
Exit | Spider-Man : Web of Shadows |
Exit 2 | Street Supremacy |
FIFA Street 2 | Tekken : Dark Resurrection |
Fired Up | The Con |
FlatOut : Head On | Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix |
Full Auto 2 : Battlelines | Toy Story 3 |
G.I. Joe : The Rise of Cobra | TRON : Evolution |
Gladiator Begins | Virtua Tennis : World Tour |
Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories | Virtua Tennis 3 |
Grand Theft Auto : Chinatown Wars |
PlayStation Portátil PSP Mini- 50 Jogos
3, 2, 1... Supercrash! | Jetpack Joyride |
4×4 Jam | Legend Of Kunoichi |
Ace Armstrong Vs The Alien Scumbags! | Let's Golf! |
Aero Racer | Manic Monkey Mayhem |
Angry Birds | Minisquadron |
Apache Overkill | Monsters |
Arcade Sports : Bowling & Air Hockey | N.o.v.a. (near Orbital Vanguard Alliance) |
Archibald's Adventures | Ninjamurai |
Beach Buzzin' Chopper | Omg-z |
Beam 'em Up | One Epic Game |
Bloons | One Two Boat Racing |
Bowling 3d | Pinball Fantasies |
Bubble Trubble | Red Bull X-fighters |
Carnivores : Dinosaur Hunter | Run Ghost Run |
Creature Defense | Sky Force |
Dr. Maybee And The Adventures Of Scarygirl | Street Smart |
Earthshield | Syphon Filter : Combat Ops |
Epyx's Impossible Mission | Tehra : Dark Warrior |
Fort Commander : King's Gambit | The Next Space |
Freekscape : Escape from Hell | Tnt Racers |
Funky Punch | Top Gun |
I Kill Zombies | Trailblazer |
I Must Run! | Twin Blades |
Ikari Warriors | Vt Tennis |
International Snooker | Widgets Odyssey |
Sega 32x - 32 Jogos
After Burner | Sangokushi IV |
BC Racers | Soulstar X |
Blackthorne | Space Harrier |
Brutal Unleashed : Above the Claw | Star Trek, Starfleet Academy : Starship Bridge Simulator |
Cosmic Carnage | Star Wars Arcade |
Darxide | Stellar Assault |
Doom | Tempo |
FIFA Soccer '96 | The Amazing Spider-Man : Web of Fire |
Golf Magazine presents 36 Great Holes starring Fred Couples | T-Mek |
Knuckles' Chaotix | Toughman Contest |
Knuckles' Chaotix | Virtua Fighter |
Kolibri | Virtua Hamster |
Metal Head | Virtua Racing Deluxe |
Motocross Championship | World Series Baseball Starring Deion Sanders |
NBA Jam : Tournament Edition | WWF Raw |
NFL Quarterback Club | WWF WrestleMania : The Arcade Game |
Pitfall : The Mayan Adventure | X-Men |
Primal Rage | Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 |
RBI Baseball '95 |
Sega CD - 20 Jogos
Android Assault : The Revenge of Bari-Arm | Rise of the Dragon |
Earthworm Jim : Special Edition | Road Rash |
Eternal Champions : Challenge from the Dark Side | Robo Aleste |
FIFA International Soccer | Shining Force CD |
Flashback : The Quest for Identity | Silpheed |
Heart of the Alien : Out of this World Parts I and II | Snatcher |
Lunar : The Silver Star | Sol-Feace |
Mad Dog McCree | Sonic the Hedgehog CD |
Mickey Mania : The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse | Soul Star |
Novastorm | The Ninja Warriors |
Músicas - Rock Pop - 100 MP3
3Doors Down-Kryptonite | Montell Jordan - This Is How We Do It |
Aerosmith - Cryin' | Natalie Imbruglia - Torn |
Aerosmith - Dream On | New Order - Blue Monday |
a-ha - Take On Me | New Radicals - You Get What You Give |
All That she wants | Nirvana - Come As You Are |
Asia - Heat Of The Moment | Non Blondes - What's Up_ |
Billy Idol - Dancing with myself | Oasis - Wonderwall |
Blind Melon - No Rain | Pearl Jam - Alive |
blink-182 - Adam's Song | Pet Shop Boys - Always on My Mind |
Blondie - Call Me | Pet Shop Boys - Go West |
Blondie - Maria | Peter Schilling - Major Tom |
Bon Jovi - Bed Of Roses | Pixies - Where Is My Mind - Remastered |
Bon Jovi - It's My Life | Pretenders - Back on the Chain Gang (2007 Remaster) |
Boston - More Than A Feeling | Queen - I Was Born To Love You |
Boys Don't Cry | R.E. M. - Losing My Religion |
Breakout - Foo Fighters | Radiohead - Creep |
Chumbawamba - Tubthumping (Radio Edit) | Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away |
Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (feat. L.V.) | Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside |
Counting Crows - Mr. Jones | Roxete - How do you do |
Credence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son | Scorpions - Wind Of Change |
David Bowie - Rebel Rebel | Semisonic - Closing Time |
David Bowie-Heroes | Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do |
Davie Bowie - Modern Love | Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget About Me) |
Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing | Skid Row - 18 and Life |
Erasure - A Little Respect | Skid Row I Remember You |
Erasure - Love To Hate You | Smash Mouth - All Star |
Faith No More - Easy | Smiths - The Boy With The Thorn In His Side |
Free - All Right Now | SNoW - Informer |
Green Day - She | Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun |
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine | Starship - We build this city |
Hole - Celebrity Skin | Sublime - Santeria |
Hole - Malibu | Sunday Bloody Sunday |
huey lewis and the news - the power of love | The B-52's - Love Shack (Edit) |
Iron Maiden - Wasting love | The Cardigans - Lovefool (Radio Edit) |
Joan Osborne - One Of Us | The Cranberries - Dreams |
Jon Secada - Just Another Day | The Cranberries - Zombie |
Journey - Dont Stop Believing | The Cure - In Between Days |
Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son | The Knack - My Sharona |
Katrina & The Waves - Walking On Sunshine | The Offspring - Original Prankster |
Kiss - I Was Made For Lovin' You | The Outfield - Your Love |
Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away | The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 - Remastered 2012 |
Linear - Sending All My Love | The Smiths - Bigmouth strikes again |
Linkin Park - In the End | The Smiths - The Boy With The Thorn In His Side |
Londonbeat - I've Been Thinking About You | The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony (Remastered 2016) |
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama | Travis - Sing (Remastered 2021) |
Man at Work - Overkill | twisted sister - we're not gonna take it |
Men At Work - Into My Life | Van Halen - Why Can't This Be Love |
Metallica - The Unforgiven | Whitesnake - Here I Go Again 87 (2018 Remaster) |
Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning | Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy Wit It |